Sniff Them Leaves

Fear No Fear
6 min readMay 3, 2024


(All scripture is from the NET,, all rights reserved)

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life — water as clear as crystal — pouring out from the throne of God and of the Lamb, flowing down the middle of the city’s main street. On each side of the river is the tree of life producing 12 kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month of the year. Its leaves are for the healing of the nations.

Revelation 22:1–2 (emphasis added)

I like trees. Especially citrus and flowing trees. I’ve always been drawn to them. Trees don’t do well where there is a lack of water. They dry up and fall over. They are weak. When there is plentiful water, they grow tall and strong with roots that sink deep. The entire Yucatan Peninsula is covered with rich, green trees whose roots go underneath the ground to hidden rivers, pools, and cisterns. The trees are spectacular, but it is the hidden water that gives them their strength.

Jesus is the Water of Life (John 6:35). Jesus is the source of the Living Water of the spirit (John 7:38). When we align ourselves with Him, when we abide in Him, we gain the same benefit from Him that trees do. “He is like a tree planted by flowing streams; it yields its fruit at the proper time, and its leaves never fall off. He succeeds in everything he attempts” (Psalm 1:3). When we make Him our source, all things become possible for us (Matthew 19:26). This is NOT because we get whatever we want. The heart of humanity is a fickle thing (Jeremiah 17:9; Mark 7:21–23). We succeed in everything we attempt when we are aligned with Jesus because when we are aligned with Jesus we will only attempt what the Father wants to be attempted (John 14:31).

The heart is where our spring of water will flow from. “On the last day of the feast, the greatest day, Jesus stood up and shouted out, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. Just as the scripture says, ‘From within him will flow rivers of living water.’”” (John 7:37–38). “But whoever drinks some of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again, but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up to eternal life” (John 4:14). It is important that we get it into our hearts. “Guard your heart with all vigilance, for from it are the sources of life” (Proverbs 4:23). The heart and the Water of Life are connected. Joined. If we pollute our hearts, the waters will not flow. It will be closed off as surely as if we turned a tap off.

Jesus is the water and the water brings the life AND the healing. Jesus accomplished healing through the cross experience (1 Peter 2:24). Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. There is no difference in language. He provided healing for anything that needs healing. Period. We are the trees planted by the river of the Water of Life (Jeremiah 17:7–8). “They will sprout up like a tree in the grass, like poplars beside channels of water” (Isaiah 44:4). When we are connected to Jesus by deep roots, we have the benefits of that Life coursing through us. It is comforting that there is continuity between this world and heaven. That in heaven there is the Water of Life flowing visibly like a river, flanked by trees giving fruit every month, and leaves which are healing. It is a TREMENDOUS picture.

I have NO IDEA what it means exactly. Revelation is a picture of things to come in order to stir our hope in the trust we have that Elohim has command over all things and that nothing will escape Him. That in the end, all that is trying to give trouble will be stopped. When the escape designed for humanity has been told to each and every human being, judgment will come. It will not come when not everyone has a chance to choose the correct path. It will not come early. It will not come late. When everyone has been touched by the Gospel, had the opportunity to chose, and has made their choice (refusing to choose is also a choice), the end will come. The outcome has NEVER been in doubt — not even by the evil spirits who rebel (Matthew 8:29).

What is great is that today’s verse is a picture of the Will of the Father. If in heaven there are trees whose very leaves are for healing for THE nations (not one, but all), how can anyone say that it is not the Will of the Father to heal? Elohim is consistent (Hebrews 13:8). If there is healing in HEAVEN then there should be healing on Earth. Heaven is ETERNAL. That means there should ALWAYS be healing on Earth. Adonai doesn’t change His mind (Numbers 23:19; Psalm 110:4). Healing is for FOREVER. It is for NOW and it comes from the Living Water — Jesus. It’s the way it works in Heaven, so it is also the way it work here on Earth. Or should be worked. “So pray this way: “Our Father in heaven, may your name be honored, may your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9–10).

We should be seeking healing. For ourselves and for those around us. Everything in the Word shows us the Will and Nature of the Father. Again and again and again we see that Adonai is about LIFE and life is about GOODNESS and it is framed and given substance by and through His LOVE. Sickness and death aren’t part of that. The nature of death isn’t a part of that. None of it. Not anxiety, depression, loneliness, bitterness, illness, anger, fear, disease, poverty, lack, etc etc. None of it is of LIFE. ALL of it is of death. Everything Jesus did is consistent with LIFE. ABUNDANT life (John 10:10). It isn’t hidden. It isn’t secret. It is right on Main Street of Heaven. Direct from the Throne of the Father Himself.

Don’t let religious thinking or parsing of words stop you from embracing the clear, consistent, and repeated desire of Adonai to see us whole, healed, and content in Him. Nothing has changed but humanity’s attitudes. If you let the devil steal from you, he will. If you let him fool you, he will. The world will do the same. (Mark 4:13–20). It doesn’t have to be that way though. We can set down deep roots through the constant reading, hearing, and thinking on the Word. We can grow strong with our consistent praise and thanksgiving to Adonai of all He gives. We can put our trust in Him, follow His path, take His side on every issue, and let His Holy Spirit correct and lead us. We can be conquerors in all things IN and THROUGH Jesus. We can be healthy and whole. Nothing missing. Nothing broken. Having our being, breathing, moving, speaking, thinking, walking, and everything else in HIM (John 15). Now and always.

Daily Affirmation Jesus IS Messiah: Psalm 69:8

Certainly zeal for your house consumes me; I endure the insults of those who insult you.” Messiah would be marked as being zealous for Adonai’s house. He would realise the connection between a place to worship and the human heart. That we thrive when we have a focus. That if Adonai designates a specific place as the appropriate place to worship, that we should respect that and revere the meeting place between Elohim and humanity. Messiah would not pollute that respect. “His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for your house will devour me” (John 2:17). Jesus would drive out those who were trafficking goods in Adonai’s house on two separate occasions (John 2:13–17 & Matthew 21:12–17). It was a lesson that sat at the beginning AND at the end of His ministry, showing that throughout His time here, Jesus had respect and reverence for Elohim’s meeting place with humanity. Jesus IS the Messiah!

Your Daily Confession of Jesus/Yeshua’s Identity:

Yeshua is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

- Matthew 16:16b



Fear No Fear

Disciple of Jesus dedicated to resisting Fear and all its babies with the Word. As it is written.