Best File Format for Printing Logo

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3 min readNov 12, 2019


This piece looks at brief definitions that will help you better understand the different file formats for print. Nowadays, we can carry all our important documents digitally access them on demand without having to deal with any paper work. Apart from defining the different file formats, we will help you decide on the best file format for printing logo in case you need one for your business.

Best File Format for Printing Logo

Best File Format for Printing Logo — Choosing the Best Option

If you have an ecommerce business, you need a logo. When choosing a file format for printing a logo, there are many to consider. This article will go into the various options available to you.

PDF (Portable Document Format)

This file format was introduced by Adobe and can be used to distribute platform-independent documents in a compact size. PDF file format can be used on various applications used for desktop publishing. In all these applications, the file format is able to capture various forms of formatting information. This makes it possible to send documents formatted in a certain style and have them appear on the monitor of the recipient as they were originally created.

Adobe Acrobat allows you to create PDF files. These can be viewed on the application or online through a PDF-viewer plug-in.

.JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

The file format is mostly used for photo images. The images are usually very small and often used for emails and websites. The file format uses lossy compression, which is translation for compression which occurs with a loss in quality. The quality lost when a .JPG file is compressed and saved can never be recovered.

Most of the other file formats have lossless file compression though, so you can fully recover lost quality. Even so, you can only minimize the photo to only about 10% to 40%. This reduces efficiency significantly. Graphics can also turn out to be smaller in the final file size.

EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)

This is a vector format mostly used for PostScript imagesetters and printers. This is the format to use when working on a project with high tech graphics. Graphic designers prefer this format when printing high resolution illustrations. To create and edit EPS files, you will need an illustration program such as CorelDRAW or Adobe Illustrator.

Vector graphics are the most preferred across the industry since they the format allows for scalability and is resolution-independent. Resizing vector images is a simple task that does not degrade the quality of the image. This is one of the main reasons it is the most preferred format when coming up with initial logo designs. The illustrations and shapes are individual and can be used in various sizes.

.PNG (Portable Network Graphics) and .GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

.PNG is a file format that was developed to make up for the shortcomings of the GIF file. These files can be compressed better and do not have the color limitation of a GIF file. The GIF file on the other hand was created as an image file but with a 256-color limitation. The image format applies lossless compression, which allows for very high-quality output. GIFs are some of the most common images on the internet since they are widely used for color images and logos. PNG files are supported by a wide variety of applications and online plug-ins but the GIF format remains the mainstay for online photo sharing.

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

This is a file format mostly preferred for images with high resolution. This is the file format considered the standard for bitmapped or raster images. You can store TIFF images in a number of color formats and compression forms. Compression for TIFF files is lossless and thus image integrity is preserved. This is the format mostly used in professional photography since it also keeps the clarity of the original image.

Hopefully you now know what the best file format for printing logo. With such a breakdown, you can now differentiate between the different file formats you are bound to come across. The best file for printing logo when starting your own online venture is the EPS format, which has expanded editing capabilities. Go ahead and try out the different file formats just to get an idea of the various differences in quality and size.



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