How Do You Write a Follow Up Email

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3 min readDec 24, 2019


A lot of people are nervous about making a follow up. If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable with the idea, it is not only you. The big question here is: how do you write a follow up email? Well, for one, you should know it is not rocket science. You only gather your courage and draft a message and stay positive about it.

How Do You Write a Follow Up Email

How Do You Write a Follow Up Email — Why Do You Need to Follow Up?

If you have aced your internal interview, it is time to send a follow up email. You are riding a lucky tide because this post will tell you everything you need to know about making a follow up. It will tell you how, when, and what should be in the email. Once you read this, it will not be a hard task anymore.

How long do you wait before a follow up email?

The simple answer is that you should not wait for long. The sooner you get it done, the easier it becomes for you. The first follow up should be in a few days. Anything within two or three days is acceptable. The subsequent follow up should come after a few days from the first one. Do not have the view that you are nagging anyone. You are showing your ambition, and that can work to your advantage.

Why is follow up necessary?

People are forgetful. We forget all the time, and it is not a bad thing if you send a reminder. Follow up makes sure your issue is not forgotten. It keeps your prospects on their toes and having you in the back of their mind. After all, you have to push if you want success to come your way.

Crafting your follow up email

Start by adding context to your email. Mentioning your first email would be enough to break the ice. When that is done, add value to your message. You should underscore your worth. Avoid clichés and make the recipient want to continue reading to the end.

Get to the reason why you are emailing. Be precise because people do not have the time to go in circles looking for the purpose of your email. Make sure to include a call-to-action. It works to convince the recipient to respond.

Finally, close your message in style. End in a way to prompt the recipient to respond. You can end with something like, “Let me know what you think.”

Although there are different types of interviews, there is only one kind of follow up, so make sure you write it correctly. Making follow up will always give you an uncomfortable feeling, but that should not deter you from pursuing your goals. If you were asking how do you write a follow up email; you now know. Get your act together and craft a message that will get you the response you need. Do not give up easily; good things will not come to you sitting.



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