How Often Should You Clean Carpets

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3 min readNov 4, 2019


Carpet is one of the most important parts of your house. Besides just being aesthetically appealing, it offers warmth and comfort to your feet too. But you need to make sure that your carpet is properly cleaned and vacuumed regularly. If the carpet is not properly cleaned than dirt, dust and mold can build up damaging the fibers of the carpet. Also, it is not good for the health of your family members. Though it is evident that you must get your carpets cleaned, the main question is how often should you clean carpets.

How Often Should You Clean Carpets

How Often Should You Clean Carpets — Keeping Your Home Clean

If you have this query in mind, then you are at the right place. There are some factors and details that you have to consider to know how often it is important to clean your carpet. We have provided all the essential details below.

Vacuum cleaning the carpet.

It is important to vacuum at least once every week. This will help your carpet to last for a longer time. Vacuum cleaning can remove the loose dust and debris from the carpet before they get settled deep down in the fibers. If you keep on vacuuming your carpets regularly, you can give longer gaps between professional cleanings. But of course, no matter how frequently you vacuum, professional cleaning is very important. You can call a professional carpet cleaner for extracting the dusts, grimes and dirt that are seated deep in your carpet.

Does anyone in the family have allergies?

Carpet fibers can trap the dust and dirt which can give rise to airborne allergens. These allergens can float in the air around your home. As the months pass, these allergens can start building up in your carpet’s fibers. If you allow them to accumulate, these can be a serious health threat for the ones who have respiratory problems, allergies and skin problems. To ensure that these allergens are removed from the carpet before it gets serious, you need to opt for regular cleaning of the carpet. In case there is anyone in your family with allergies, skin infections or respiratory problems, make sure to deep clean the carpet professionally at least once in every 6 months.

Do you have pets?

Another factor that determines the regular cleaning of your carpet is the pet. If you have pets at home and you allow them on your carpet, then regular cleaning is very important. Pet dander and soil from their legs can go straight into the carpet fiber which will accumulate over time and can even make it smell musty. Also their urine can leave behind stains and odors. Cleaning and neutralizing the carpet as soon as something like that happens can help you to remove the stains completely.

The Conclusion

So, if you are wondering about how often should you clean carpets, then you understand the factors to be considered. If you have pets at home or any family member with respiratory issues and allergies, then the carpets must be cleaned at least once every 6 months. The high traffic areas of your house must be vacuumed every day and other parts every alternative day.



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