How to Lay Pavers on Dirt

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3 min readJan 6, 2020


So, you want to know how to lay pavers on dirt. You want some effective ways to make the end result lasting and cost-effective. Laying patio pavers can boost the curb appeal of your backyard. It will also improve the functionality. However, you will have to follow some strategies to get the best outcome.

How to Lay Pavers on Dirt

How to Lay Pavers on Dirt — How do you prepare ground for pavers?

You will have to remove the grass and level the ground. The process is super easy and can be done without expertise. Here are the step-by-step instructions to help you to complete your paving project flawlessly.

Step-by-Step Instruction

Remove Grass

The first step is to remove all the grass from the way. While removing the grass, you will have to completely remove the root system. Otherwise, they might produce new grass and grow up between pavers.

Level the Ground

For the proper lining up, you need to lay the paver on the top. You can use the clean fill dirt for leveling the land. You can use clean fill dirt that is free from organic matter, toxins, or large debris. Take time to create a lasting and leveled base for the paver. A solid base is important to stand the test of time and withstand harsh weather conditions.

Mark the Area

Mark out the area that you are going to use for pavers. It will help you to place stakes and decide the leveling. Once you decide the leveling height, you can use fill dirt to get the desired height. It is easy to place the fill dirt. You just need to pack down the dirt to make sure that it will not move. You might need to add a little more dirt to make the leveling slightly higher so that the ground will not be too low once you compact the dirt.

Compact the Dirt

After leveling the entire area, you need to lay another layer of the . You can use a hand tamper tool to pound over the soil to compact and level the ground. You can apply more pressure to get a better result. The more compacted ground will create a solid and stable base for your patio pavers. Also, a solid base ensures the longevity of the paver.

Use Geotextile Fabric

You can place down geotextile fabric over the fill dirt to create a base, to deter weeds to grow, and improve the drainage. Consider securing down edges with spikes. This step is essential to prevent weeds.

Add Edge Restraints & Lay Down Pavers

You can use metal or wood edge restraints. Just place them against the compacted fill dirt inner walls. Next, choose your pattern and then lay down pavers. Make sure that pavers are plush against one another. Start from one corner and then work across. Once one section is done, place a wood board and gently hit with a hammer for leveling.

Final Words

Now you know how to lay pavers on dirt. After following all the above-mentioned steps, you can simply pour stone dust over pavers and sweep between the small crevices. Moisten the bricks and then pour stone dust again and sweep it.



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