Finally, Max Landis is Cancelled

One Room With A View
3 min readJun 21, 2019
Courtesy of: Arthur Mola/Invision/AP/Shutterstock

Content warning for mental and sexual abuse and rape.

Finally, Max Landis is cancelled.

Which is really a cartoonish term to describe what should conclude in a long prison sentence. Landis is alleged to have committed sickening psychological and sexual abuse upon scores of women in the cult-like community, ‘The Colour Society’, within which he cocooned himself. Before we go any further I recommend you read the full story by Amy Zimmerman in The Daily Beast.

I was going to make this some grand dissection of Landis’s abusive behaviour and how anyone paying attention online could see he was an evil piece of work for years, but after fully reading that article start to finish for the first time I’m just furious.

Snippets of this story had broken in past years, often in response to Landis’s minor ‘successes’ like Netflix making Bright, but the stuff I saw was mainly the odd tweet, not a full detailed account like this. Still, it was clear he was not a nice person, and that there was some bigger story people were too afraid to tell.

It’s a pattern we’ve seen countless times in the #MeToo era when powerful men commit crimes, and finally enough people build up the courage to tell their stories in a way that breaks through. Because it really does have to break through. No one wants to confront…



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