I am a mother and goes by the name Oka, it’s the name I prefer to be called . I do not want to be called by the name my parents has given me, neither by my husband name. I am a product of ME. Although by the time my baby was born, some people call me Mama Yasmin - my daughter's name. This I do not mind as being a mama to her is what makes me the proudest. I do not know if this even matters to you, my readers, but please know that it matters to me.

I like writing although I have been rejected so many times applying on vocation of being a writer. But I guess I will just continue writing and improving, until the 'I' in me is seen and people see.

I also read, and my reading has been helping me expand my horizons and inspiring my writing. I prefer literatures, essays and memoirs. And I used to judge people by what they read. But thanks to those books I read, I open my eyes and see what it is actually I can judge people by.

Connect with Oka


Got rejected several times applying jobs on writing, here I am instead writing on my own :)