1 min readJul 27, 2020


Deacon, like you, I also stumbled upon the Harpa Dei YouTube video and was impressed by the group’s beautiful musical sound and choice of repertoire. As I am Spanish<>English bilingual (also a B.A. in Spanish linguistics, M.A. in Applied Linguistics, Federally Certified Court Interpreter), I watched and listened carefully to the video you shared about their community. While I agree that there doesn’t on the surface appear to be anything problematic from a theological or ecclesial standpoint with their group, I am a bit wary of them because of the paucity of information available (at least in English) about them and their leader. I did find other videos in Spanish, including one from an appearance they made on a Mexican T.V. talkshow. Lastly, I worry that the Agnus Dei movement might be or become a cult of personality centered on Brother Elijah. For now, I will enjoy the music but await the Church’s assessment of that movement before making any further judgment about its legitimacy. Thank you for your blog post about this group. It was helpful. God bless.

