Federico Mammano
Federico Mammano

Federico Mammano, one of the founders of TeachingEntrepreneurship.org, today focuses on helping entrepreneurship professors motivate their students to develop the entrepreneurial skills necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing business environment. As one of the creators of ExEC (Experiential Entrepreneurship Curriculum), a fully learn-by-doing structured, cohesive, and rigorous entrepreneurship curriculum, Federico has helped tens of thousands of undergraduate, as well as graduate, students develop entrepreneurial skills through award-winning experiential exercises.

A T-shaped visual thinker, Federico is a teacher and an entrepreneur at heart. He is a former tech hacker (in the good ethical sense) turned entrepreneur, turned entrepreneurship hacker, and now award-winning entrepreneurship educator.

Federico wrote his first line of code at age nine and bootstrapped his first startup as a garage entrepreneur, pioneering the virtual reality space when he was still a student. He is an engineer by training. He holds two MSc, an MBA, and extensive entrepreneurial experience leading cross-functional teams across a range of industries.

A passion for entrepreneurship, combined with his desire to make our world an exponentially better place by decreasing the global waste of our limited resources (e.g., time, money, energy, etc.) and by avoiding building bad or useless products that nobody needs, spurred Federico to spread and give back what he personally learned by teaching generations of people how to sustainably solve the world’s problems. He has now mentored several thousands of innovators worldwide in world-class startup acceleration and corporate programs and tens of thousands of entrepreneurship students.

Federico Mammano

Federico Mammano

Entrepreneur (TeachingEntrepreneurship.org & ExEC) | Speaker & Advisor about Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Product & Marketing