Federico Massaioli
1 min readJun 30, 2015


Having a few blind friends and colleagues, I really appreciate the improvements! But I can tell from professional experience that, unfortunately, supporting blind persons is the easy part.

The tough part is the support of visually impaired, partially sighted persons (like yours truly), a statistically significant portion of people that love reading stories.

As an example, I told a colleague of mine: “have a look at medium.com, it’s gorgeous!” “No, it’s unreadable!”, he replied. It turned out that your choice of text foreground and background color is wonderful on the high pixel-per-inch density tablet displays that I use to read Medium, and quite poor on his desktop display (and on most desktop and laptop displays most people can afford).

One more example? I just opened medium.com on a freshly installed browser. It took to me a good minute to understand that the sign in call was graying out everything. It was too washed out, I could see the call to action, but the reward waiting for me was almost imperceptible, good that I already knew what I was looking for.

To your defense (and depression, I fear), this is tough stuff, as no two of us partially sighted persons are created equal.



Federico Massaioli

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