Elasticsearch Backup: Snapshot and Restore on AWS S3

Federico Panini
9 min readOct 18, 2016
Elasticsearch backup snapshot and restore on AWS S3
A new updated tutorial is available that covers modern ES features

An updated version is available here, it is an updated version that covers the same topic but for the latest Elasticsearch versions.

Elasticsearch Snapshot & Restore

just in case you start reading this tutorial/article… beware … It is very long… the idea is to explain how to do a snapshot and restore for Elasticsearch on AWS S3. The article is divided into these sections :

  1. ES Repositories
  2. ES cloud-aws plugin
  3. AWS S3 IAM Role
  4. AWS S3 User Policy
  5. ES setup backup Repository with AWS IAM ROLE
  6. ES setup backup Repository with AWS User
  7. ES create a snapshot
  8. ES restore a snapshot
  9. ES restore a snapshot on different cluster

have a nice read!

Elasticsearch has a smart solution to backup single indices or entire clusters to remote shared filesystem or S3 or HDFS. The snapshot ES creates is not…

