Differences between Traditional and Online Architects

Federico Schiano D Pepe
3 min readAug 18, 2014

It was not all that long ago where the only place you could find an architect was in his office or out on a job site.

The traditional architect used his or her skills, tools and experience to work with individuals and businesses in their community.
Thanks to the advancement of the internet, you can find a great number of architects online, providing their skills and services to customers around the world. There are now plenty of architect online services that serve the needs of customers everywhere.

The CoContest Advantage

Websites such as CoContest provide a platform for architects of all sorts online and available for customers to use. For example, you can find an interior designer online that can work with you on recreating the rooms in your home. Or, you can use the services on an architect for home renovation online that will help you design an entirely new interior for your needs.
In addition, there are online home plans and home decoration online services that helps people in innumerable ways to get the expertise they want at a low, affordable price. However, CoContest is more than just providing interior design online as it is a website that typifies the differences between online architects and traditional architects.

The Differences Between Tradition and Online Architects

There are numerous differences that people need to understand when choosing from the services of either traditional or online architects.

Choices: A traditional designer will generally propose a project idea or two to their clients compared to the ten proposes that CoContest provides. The eight extra designs means that you have at least eight more choices to consider when making your decision about who to choose.

Perspective: Since most traditional architects either work alone or are assigned alone to a single project, they will only bring their point of view which can be quite limiting. If you are not happy with the design that has been proposed, you will have to wait until something else comes up.

However, CoContest provides designers from all over the world so that you receive many different ideas from a wide variety of perspectives. With a wider choice, it become easier to choose an interior designer online or perhaps online home plans that will benefit you.

Time: Perhaps the main difference is the amount of time it takes to work with a single designer as there is a great deal of back and forth communication and stress before getting your idea off the ground, assuming that it still looks like what you wanted.

By using the online services of CoContest, you submit the idea, wait seven days and then choose the one that best fits what you want accomplished.

Price: A traditional designer works by the hour and that can really add up. When you consider how an agency can rack up the bills, you might be stuck with overhead fees.

Comparatively speaking, CoContest architects online provides services for a fraction of the price because the competition and crowdsourcing potential remove the addition costs that are incurred by traditional designers.
Thanks to the new, fast means of obtaining online services for designers, there really is no choice when it comes to the time, money and effort you save by going with CoContest.

