Masahisa Fukase. The Photographer Who Inspired Me And Millions Of Others

Fedor Vasilev
4 min readMar 8, 2023
Photo by Masahisa Fukase.

Masahisa Fukase, a Japanese photographer born in 1934 in Hokkaido, Japan, is widely known for his black and white photography. Fukase was a prolific artist, producing work for over 35 years before his untimely death in 2012. His work has been exhibited all over the world, and his influence on the world of photography continues to be felt to this day.

Fukase began his career in photography in the 1960s, experimenting with different styles and techniques. In the 1970s, he started to produce the work that he is most well-known for: his series “Ravens.” I would highly recommend checking this series out! This series is a hauntingly beautiful exploration of the bird, with Fukase photographing the birds in different settings and lighting conditions.

Photo by Masahisa Fukase.

While I’m not a fan of wildlife photography, his works are rather fine art and once they capture my attention I want to look at them longer and longer. The images are dark, and often surreal, creating a sense of unease.



Fedor Vasilev

I'm a photographer based in Vienna and I share my thoughts about photography with others. I'm eager to explore the world through photography