Feedchain ICO
2 min readJun 26, 2018


The Real Problem

Over 1 billion people worldwide work in the food agricultural business generating over $2.4 trillion. But surprisingly a farmer gets only 16 cents for every dollar paid by the final buyer for the products. Reliable statistical data reveal that there is a monopoly of restaurants owners and association, middlemen who are taking a big share of the farmers and food producers’ earnings.

If that’s not scary enough for you as a potential restaurant owner, may be this will do the trick:

High maintenance cost running into hundreds of thousands through restaurant space rentals, advertisements, etc. has effectively killed any interest for small and medium players in the food distribution industry.

Predictably, this has led to steady reduction of competitiveness, thus making the food production and distribution industry a big men’s game, where only large food corporation giants have any chance of survival. This has also reduced consumption of local products, caused by long chains of agricultural products delivery and has caused a gradual decline in the number of small and medium scale farms.

And it will only get worse with time.

An Excellent Solution

A decentralized mobile and web application platform, on which people can use their houses as home-based restaurants, farmers (crop, animal, poultry), fishers or gardeners can use their houses as home-based farmer’s markets, is the only effective approach.

And that was the main purpose for revolutionary concept of the Feedchain platform to be created. Feedchain is an inclusive approach to food production and supply.

A centralized market still in play today, st-ems from the idea that a central location is required to gain exposure for your business, causing the migration of businesses from homes to markets. That model is no longer entirely practical for the times in which we live. This is the technological era and running a successful home business is a reality now.

Feedchain is releasing food production from the hands of powerful corporations and putting power into the hands of everyone (both me and you, all those who loves cooking, growing crops, livestock or just wants to have a lovely dinner. Using blockchain technology and other sophisticated modern tools such as GPS, Big Data integration, APPS Feedchain is creating a decentralized and tokenized economy within the food industry that will enable all of us in the Feedchain community reap our rightful, fair share of monetary rewards from the Food industry without needless costs and unwanted prying eyes of the government.



Feedchain ICO

A decentralized solution to food distribution. Use your house as a restaurant business. Visit our site