Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

2 min readSep 25, 2015


Children are awe-inspiring. Awe-inspiring how? They are bizarre and think up strange things and do weird stuff. They are odd little humanoid-sponge creatures that suck up someone else’s time, energy, money, and food and usually they get somewhat older, possibly have creepy spawn of their own, and then it’s over.

By the way, adults are bizarre too, but they are not awe-inspiring. They are predictably monstrous and disgusting.

Several times a year I glimpse in real-time an adult human taking a shit in the middle of the sidewalk, but is he or she really the disgusting one? Is society disgusting for forcing her to do that? Does she need a public restroom, or what?

Who was the worst adult in human history? I assume Hitler.

There is an interesting article over at that makes me think of a teacher of mine from the recent past. It’s about “presume” and “assume,” during presentations he would become extraordinarily upset if anyone used these words. The general gestalt was that those words smacked of laziness. The presumption or assumption was that if you used “assume” or “presume” you did not go the extra mile to find out happened.

It worked. I do not use those words anymore.

