Jeff Matlow Author interview

Feed My Reads
4 min readJun 16, 2022


When did your love of books begin?

As with everything in life, it’s my parents fault. Both of my parents (and now both of my step-parents) are avid readers. As far back as I can remember, we’ve had walls of bookshelves throughout many rooms of our house packed solid with books of all genres. My parents would each notate on the inside cover the date they finished reading it. I used to do that too, until Goodreads came along and saved me.

Whatever the next step is beyond “avid” reader is where I fall. I suppose some might consider it pathological. But I love reading. I read over 70 books per year (plus I rate and review them all). Since I also am an early adopter, I am part of NetGalley and a couple of other communities that allow me to get ARCs. Here are the books I’ve read this year:

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

My 8th grade English class was magical. Mr. McGarvey was our teacher and he was passionate about writing. There were four of us in the class that stand out: David Grann (NY Times #1 selling author,, Paul Lieberstein (Emmy award winning writer,, Nicole Bernier (Conde Naste editor, author, and me.

Of the four of us, I’m the only one that made writing a hobby — the rest made it a career.

To answer your question, I’ve wanted to be an author since 8th grade. I have had articles published in major outlets for decades, I have had my own recurring articles in top magazines for 30 years. I write a bi-weekly newsletter that does very well ( But it’s all been a hobby. The top item on my bucket list is to write and publish a book. I’m finally writing my first book and trying to catch up with my 3 friends who have a 30 year head start on me.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

I love writing. That is to say, I love it when I do it consistently. I’m a runner, Ironman triathlete and serial entrepreneur.. I am drawn to challenges that require physical and mental stamina. I used to complain that writing was a labor of love, but that was when my writing muscle wasn’t regularly exercised. One reason I started the newsletter was to ensure that I am committed to write every day. It’s been wonderful.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Write. Read. Write. Read. Do both of them daily. Also, find some people or some community that will give you honest feedback on your writing. Take writing classes. Did I say read? Do that too. Oh, and write every day. Not sure I mentioned that yet.

Tell us about your book/books:

My first book is business-centric. I’ve had a career as a leader in both entrepreneurial ventures and large public companies. Over the years, I’ve developed some thoughts around leadership and have recognized that leadership isn’t about your role in a company, it’s about the person you are. Interns could be leaders, parents are leaders, coaches of sports teams are leaders and so are the players. My book is tentatively called “Leadership Isn’t A Title” and explores 8 key traits of excellent leadership.

I also put together an outline of my next book, which is fiction. Think The Silent Patient meets Lovely Bones. I can’t tell you any more than that at this point. ;)

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

The writing/reading community on Twitter is insanely wonderful. I’m a part of some other twitter communities, who shall remain anonymous for the purpose of this interview, and none of them embrace new people and support each other to the extent that I see with the writing/reading community. This is beyond Twitter as well — assuming there is life beyond Twitter. So many communities out there carry an underlying buzz of competitiveness. I’ve found that completely missing (well, 99% missing) from writing and reading communities. Everyone wants to help and support each other. It warms my heart. I like feeling accepted. Don’t we all?

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Let’s all get together for a party, drinks are on me!!!

Wait, this is hypothetical, right?

Where can people connect with you?

Wherever you are, there I am.


Website: (launching soon)

Twitter: @SmedleyRuns (reading/writing)

Twitter: @ByTitleOnly (leadership, marketing, web3)

Insta: @ByTitleOnly

Thank you!!



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