Collect Video Testimonials with Feedspace — Share a Link or QR Code

3 min readMar 7, 2024



Collecting video testimonials from satisfied customers has never been easier with the help of Feedspace. Feedspace is a user-friendly platform that allows you to seamlessly gather video testimonials across various channels on the web. Let’s explore how you can use Feedspace to collect and showcase powerful video testimonials for your business.

How Feedspace Works

  1. Set Up Your Feedspace Account: Sign up for a Feedspace account and create a campaign. Specify the criteria for the video testimonials you want to collect, such as the length, topic, or any specific questions you want your customers to answer.
  2. Share Your Campaign Link or QR Code: Feedspace provides you with a unique campaign link or QR code. You can share this link or QR code through email, social media, your website, or any other channels where your customers can easily access it.
  3. Customers Submit Their Testimonials: When customers click on the campaign link or scan the QR code, they will be redirected to a user-friendly video recording platform. They can record their testimonials directly from their devices or upload pre-recorded videos.
  4. Review and Approve Testimonials: Once customers submit their testimonials, you can review and approve them through the Feedspace platform. You have control over which testimonials get published and shared publicly.
  5. Publish and Share Testimonials: Once approved, you can easily publish and share the collected testimonials on your website, social media pages, or any other marketing channels. Feedspace provides embeddable widgets and easy sharing options for seamless integration.
  6. Monitor and Analyze Performance: Feedspace also offers analytics and insights to help you understand the impact of your video testimonials. You can track the number of views, and engagement metrics, and even gather customer feedback on the testimonials themselves.

The Benefits of Using Feedspace

  • Convenience and Accessibility: Feedspace makes it effortless for customers to share their video testimonials using their devices, no downloads or complicated software required.
  • Consistency in Branding: Feedspace allows you to customize the look and feel of your video collection page to match your brand identity, ensuring a consistent and professional experience for your customers.
  • Maximized Reach: With Feedspace’s link and QR code sharing options, you can easily collect testimonials from customers across various channels on the web, including social media, email campaigns, and even physical marketing materials.
  • Control and Approval: You have full control over which testimonials get published, ensuring only the most relevant and impactful content makes it to your public platforms.
  • Valuable Insights: Feedspace’s analytics provide valuable insights into the performance of your testimonials, helping you measure their effectiveness and make data-driven decisions.

Collecting video testimonials with Feedspace is a powerful way to gather authentic feedback from your customers and build credibility for your brand. Start using Feedspace today and watch your customer testimonials elevate your business!

Have you ever used Feedspace or another platform to collect video testimonials? Share your experience in the comments below!




Feedspace is a great way to collect audio, video testimonials.