Dating Is The New Black

3 min readNov 13, 2019

Dating is not the easiest thing to do nowadays but yet definitely is the new black.

Going into dates can change your life, literally, it does not always mean that you will end up with the person you are dating, that you will have your happily ever after story, but the idea of meeting someone in person just so you can share some intimacy, remember intimacy is also looking into each other’s eyes, touching hands, hugging a bit longer than usual can truly change something into your life.

Maybe it will be the way you stay, the way you eat, the way you dress, the way you express your thoughts, every little thing that you are put through into a date makes a tiny difference in your life.

So, dating might look stressful but it makes you feel something.

Think about the moments you get to tell your old stories and having them to be new. You get to share your mind to the person from whom you kind of fear to be your next heartbreak, but at the same time, you continue sharing parts of you with that person.

Isn’t that something to talk about?

Dating should be a feeling that is served to you on a silver plate because you have to walk through clouds into a skyline that is no longer your private part.

Dating should be the new dress you bought, or that new shirt, black but damn sexy. Perfectly showing your imperfect body shapes but there is a lot of perfection to give and to take as long as you feel that you have everything well dressed on you, not that much in a literal meaning, it’s a metaphor.

Wear your date as if you belong there as if you paid for that day with your very last cents in your wallet.

Dating must make you feel inspiring. It should make you be a better person for yourself and for the person you choose to be with. Dating must definitely be a feeling.

And feeling something is dangerous.

The danger most of the time is marked with a red sign, but this time it’s marked with a black one, because of the fact that it isn’t that dangerous, and it is cool and very normal to let yourself feel something for someone else and let other people in your life.

Wearing black makes you feel more comfortable, so should dating be, so should you let feelings slip into you just as easy as wearing black.

Feelings should make you feel like you are wearing black, neon black.

Go into dates because dating is the new black.




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