What Does The New Sugar Tax Mean For Your Sweet Tooth?

The #fuel657 Journal
3 min readMar 13, 2017

The UK’s soft drinks industry levy, colloquially known as the “sugar tax”, was announced in the 2017 Budget by Chancellor Philip Hammond.

Taxes are usually a terrible thing but, in this case, they could be a great thing and a step in the right direction for the state of the nation’s health.

The levy rate applies to drinks with a sugar content of 5g per 100ml, with a higher rate for those with 8g per 100ml. The tax is designed, in theory, to cut the national consumption of sugar and reduce the ballooning obesity epidemic in the UK.

The levy rate applies to drinks with a sugar content of 5g per 100ml, with a higher rate for those with 8g per 100ml — Upbeat contains 4g per 100ml.

But you already eat clean and exercise regularly, right? So what does this all mean for your harmless sugar cravings? And will it make a difference to your daily Upbeat?

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“In a word, no,” says nutritionist Sophie Enever. “The tax won’t affect Upbeat because it only contains 4g of sugar per 100ml, so below the lower tax bracket. On top of this, the sugar is all from naturally occurring whey (lactose) and fruit (fructose), meaning you get the added benefits of protein and other important nutrients.”

The tax won’t affect Upbeat because it only contains 4g of sugar per 100ml and this is all from naturally occurring whey and fruit.

Added or refined sugar tends to be prominent in foods with little other nutritional value, such as fizzy drinks. “Over-consuming these ‘empty calories’ can have a negative impact on your health, increasing risk of obesity and type II diabetes,” says Enever.

“While it’s great that the government is looking to make changes that will improve the health of the nation, sugar is not the only thing we should be looking out for in order to lead a healthy life.”

While you’re cutting back on the bad, you should look to increase your intake of the good.

“It’s important you cut down on other foods that aren’t essential for health,” adds Enever. “Such as processed foods that are typically loaded with salt and ‘bad’ fats and often stripped of their key vitamins and minerals.

“And while you’re cutting back on the bad, you should look to increase your intake of the good, meaning more quality protein, healthy fats, nutrient rich carbohydrates and plenty of nutritious fruit and veg.”

“Cutting back on sugar isn’t a miracle cure, but it’s a good start.”

Further reading: Candy Crush: How To Kick Your Sugar Habit

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The #fuel657 Journal

Upbeat Active is all day body fuel, giving active bodies the high quality protein they need at any time of day. Healthy muscles. Healthy life.