Nothing Brings People Together Like Good Food

Feel Nutritious
4 min readJun 16, 2015


So you’ve been eating healthy all week, everything clean and cooked from scratch but the weekend is fast approaching and you have your bi monthly get together with your friends and we all know what that means.

Over indulging in a glorious starter and a rich main course, finished off with one..maybe two dessert and of course a little nibble of the cheese board ‘just because it’s there’. Not to mention the copious amounts of wine that will be flowing throughout the evening.

I can’t give you that much needed willpower to avoid the second dessert but I can arm you with an impressive alternative.

A clean eating dinner party. It might not be as relaxing as sipping wine while the waiters bring your food to your table and the kitchen porter takes care of your washing up but it is definitely a lot more relaxing than those extra 4 hours you will have to spend in the gym after your rich meal.

I’ve put together an easy dinner party sample menu for you to try…now where’s that apron?

Why not start with these really simple Indian fishcakes


Serves 4

300g skinless haddock fillets
100g cooked prawns
1/2 cucumber, de-seeded and cubed
2 spring onions, trimmed and finely sliced
2 tomatoes, de-seeded and finely chopped
Green chilli, de-seeded and chopped
2 tbsp chopped coriander, mint or flat leaf parsley
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 tsp curry powder
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tsp coconut oil
Black pepper

Start by making the relish. Mix the top 6 ingredients together and set aside for serving with the fishcakes.
Check fish for any bones and chop roughly, then place in food processor with the prawns, garlic, chilli and curry powder. Blend to a smooth paste.
Divide the mixture into 6 and form into patties.
Heat the oil on a high heat in a frying pan and when it hot add the patties.
Cook for about 3–4 minutes on each side until brown and just firm.

Followed by these impressive looking stuffed pepper teamed with an asian style chicken salad!


Serves 2

500g ground turkey
400g passata
3 tbsp grated cheese
3 large red bell pepper
175g sweetcorn
1 red onion, chopped
1 tbsp Garlic powder
1 tbsp Onion powder
1 tbsp Ground cumin
2 tsp Chili flakes
1 tbsp Coconut oil
Fresh rocket for garnish

Preheat oven to 180°
Cut around the top of the pepper, removing the seeds and stems inside (keep hold of the lids).
Brown the turkey in the coconut oil over a medium heat, throw in the spices, sweetcorn and the lid of the peppers, finly chopped.
Leave on heat, occasionally stirring until mince is cooked through.
Tightly stuff the peppers with mixture.
Poor the passata into the bottom of an oven proof dish and place the peppers on top, standing upright.
Evenly cover the top of each pepper with cheese and bake for half an hour.
Check peppers after 20minutes as the peppers should still be firm when done.
Sprinkle 1 tbsp. Cheese onto of each pepper, then place the baking dish in the oven.
Slice the peppers long ways and serve with the salad below.


Serves 1

2 Chicken Breast
1 head Chinese cabbage thinly shredded
2 medium carrot, peeled and grated
4 tbs raw almonds, chopped
4 tbs Lime Vinaigrette
2 tsp tamari

Lime Vinaigrette
Juice of 1 limes
1 pinch salt
1/2 tsp honey
1 ½ tbs olive oil

Preheat oven to 180° and wrap the chicken breast in tin foil to lock in the moisture. Place in the oven and cook for 20–30 minutes until cooked through.
While the chicken is cooking, prep your Vinaigrette.
Combine the top 3 vinaigrette ingredients, vigorously whisk ingredients and slowly drizzle in the olive oil.
Combine vinaigrette and tamari in a medium mixing bowl.
Add cabbage, carrot, and almonds to the mixing bowl, and toss until everything is evenly mixed and coated in the dressing. Transfer to a plate or bowl for serving.
Thinly slice the chicken breast and place over the top of the tossed salad.

And for pud, try this fuss free cheesecake!

Raw Blueberry Cheesecake

The base:
285g finely crushed almonds
175g dates (soaked overnight)
45g shredded coconut
½ lemon juice and zest
The middle bit:
225g cashews (soaked)
50g coconut oil
75g honey
1tsp vanilla extract
½ lemon juice
The topping:
75g blueberries
75g honey
50g coconut oil

First, pre-soak cashews and dates separately overnight.
Place all crust ingredients into your food processor and blitz until a dough-like mixture had formed.
Press the base mixture evenly into a square cake tin and compress down with the back of a spoon.
Place all filling ingredients (the middle bit) into your food processor and blitz until absolutely smooth.
Evenly spread the mixture over the almond base.
Place in to the fridge for an hour to start to set the mixture
While the mixture sets, prepare the topping.
Place all blueberry topping ingredients (except one handful of blueberries) into your food processor and blitz until the ingredients are combined.
Layer on top of the mixture and scatter the remaining blueberries over the top.
Wrap your dessert in Clingfilm and place in the freezer for 4 hour to 8 hours.
Remove, cut into sections and enjoy!

Told you it was easy!

