Everyone get back to The Pile.

Jeff Jones
2 min readMay 2, 2016


I’d venture a guess that everyone has been in The Pile before.

My intention is not to stake claim to the concept of The Pile (or even the name) — my intention is to share the beauty of #pileawareness. So, here we go.

I don’t know if I could give a Webster-worthy definition of The Pile, but on the broadest possible level, it’s a comfortable place. In an effort to elaborate, here is a short list of random and completely fabricated examples of being in The Pile:

  • going hard in the pho and HBO paint with bae.
  • getting fancy AF eating cheese and drinking wine while listening to live jazz in the park with all your hungover friends.
  • watching 2 Chainz music videos in a hotel bed with your girlfriend and your homie after Vail closing day.
  • incessantly quoting The Big Lebowski while splitting a late-night, wind-down smoke on the porch with GQ’s “best dressed” at Sundance.
  • sitting around a bonfire discussing ideas for your hot, new, Game-of-Thrones-centric, deep house project (Flywin Lannister is already ruling that shit).
  • drinking PBRs with the crew on a post-Halloween Sunday on a waterbed housed in a VW van in a divebar that uses its numerous televisions for the sole purpose of playing 80’s pornography. (The ultimate pile.)

From a surface level, a good observation is that The Pile can take form anywhere and usually involves #chillin — which is completely true. We can even go a bit deeper and deduce that close friends play an integral part in this discussion, but thats not the point.

The foundation and value of The Pile stems from trust. When we choose to share experiences of any kind with other people, we don’t choose the nature of those experiences purely off of relationship tenure — we all have childhood friends that barely know us, and friends that we’ve met in the past year that know us a bit too well. We choose to spend our most transparent and valuable moments surrounded with the folk that provide a safe environment and the best of vibrations, regardless of mutual background knowledge. We choose to spend these moments when we feel most comfortable, and that is what The Pile is all about.

So as I sit here, anxiously awaiting a pre-planned, highly exclusive (read: pile prone), Friday night screening of Drake’s new album, I urge you to get back to the pile — I promise, it provides.

