You vs. How many struggles

Felcy Raja
3 min readMar 1, 2023


300 Spartans vs. 300,000 Persians

I am writing this post to spread positivity during tough times like layoffs through a well-known historical movie, “300” portraying the indomitable spirit of 300 Spartans. Not just for people who have been laid off, but also for any warrior who is struggling with something in their own life.

Spartans — Wow!!! Their team spirit, bonding, oneness towards the goal, undeterred will to make the impossible possible, absence of even a spark of fear or doubt, and especially their attitude to never surrender or retreat gave me goosebumps and an adrenaline rush that I can never explain, which induced me to write this.

A ratio of 1:1,000 is other-worldly, don’t you think? The statement about their extraordinary warfare making them inexplicable warriors can’t be easily fathomed with such a massive attack that can easily undermine one’s indestructible willpower. It’s mind-boggling to consider the willpower of 300 Spartans — a tiny army against a sea of 300,000 slaves and soldiers. Even after their war strategy was exposed to the enemy by a traitor, their unwavering loyalty and deep-rooted ethics that were instilled in them since childhood held them invincible against all the odds.

To ponder the depths of this story, I read about their history and got to know their educational system and ethics that made them such great warriors.

Exceptional Educational System

Until the age of 7, every male child will be raised in their home. After which, they will enter the gang (male community), where everyone was treated equally. However, this treatment was not pleasant: their hair was shaved, they had to walk barefoot, and they had to stay naked in all climate conditions. Furthermore, they had to go through challenges of skills and strength, and they had to obey the adults unconditionally.

At the age of 20, they will be sent to wander in the wild for a year, where they’ll have to procure their food by themselves. Once they passed this test, the young Spartans would be admitted to the Spartan army.

Battle of Thermopylae

The battle was not a story of victory but of the loss of Sparta and the deaths of 300 Spartans. The battle of Thermopylae is an example of heroic resistance against incredible odds. The Spartiates’ rigorous education and background in following orders could explain this incredible feat of resistance. Furthermore, Spartans were taught to be proud of being warriors and to fight until the end. Surrendering was not an option for a Spartan; such a thing would ruin his and his family’s reputation.

The Legendary Warriors

The human ideal in ancient Greece was an individual who developed his physical, intellectual, and ethical abilities at the service of himself first, for his honour and glory, and then to achieve the best conditions of livelihood for the country. The fascination and awe with which we think about Spartans come from their indomitable spirit to fight till death.

In this regard, the philosopher and historian Plutarch stated the following: when a young Spartan received his shield, his mother told him, “[e]ither this or upon this” (Plutarch, Moralia, 241). With this saying, this mother warned her son to either win the battles or die fighting, then be carried back home on the shield. To win or to die was central for a Spartan because it was the only way to gain the respect of others.

Let this history induce your determination tenfold, make your efforts consistent and unwavering, and make the fire in your spirits even stronger to achieve the impossible and make you invincible. Be a Spartan!!! Never surrender!!! Fight till you win!!!

The great King Leonidas of Sparta



Felcy Raja

Am an aspiring content writer, hoping to give life to words and immerse in them to attain greater joy.. Trying to learn how to write contents.. Do guide..