Zero to Streaming Application — Infrastructure

Felice Geracitano
3 min readJun 7, 2020


Photo by Colton Duke on Unsplash

Note: This is part of “Zero to Streaming Application”, learn about streaming applications building a POC. Full code here.

< Previous Part (Backend)


In this part I’ll list the containers used in the POC, and few automation steps required for the schema creation. I did not went further and deploy the cluster, but it is worth to mention I’ve tested Github Actions running CI on FE and BE build.


version: "2"
image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:5.4.1
image: confluentinc/cp-server:5.4.1
image: confluentinc/cp-enterprise-control-center:5.4.1

image: ""
container_name: schema-init
build: ./schema-init


Confluent is a platform to build on top Kafka and his connectors ecosystem, I consumed a lot of there documentation and I ended up using their docker containers. The following is the Confluent Control Center, very handy to monitor the cluster health and check topics details, even at message level.

Confluent Center Cluster Dashboard from the POC, accessible at http://localhost:9021


As I mention in the previous article, dealing with Cassandra multi tenancy was not a not an easy task, I struggled to get schema creation right for multiple keyspaces. I decided then to changes my approach and implement a container dedicated for Cassandra schema and elastic indexes initialisations.

Here is how the looks like:

As you can see, checking for elastic up does all the trick (thanks for Elassandra that manage all that). Once Elasticsearch and Cassandra are up we can run the cql script and create the elastic indexes. You can spot in the comment part that there is automation for Kibana as well, but if the Elastic indexes are empty that won’t work, you would need to create manually from the Kibana UI (very easy step)


Github Actions

I also tried a very simple CI with Github Actions, it is very promising for a developer point of view, everything is already there, no need to connect the X CI Service anymore. Commits are marked as pending/running jobs and there is even badges build/test generation for Readme files. The workflow builder has a very handy autocomplete with description, but I won’t be surprised if they will end up building a workflow builder to manage step dependencies and visualise a pipeline flow.

Github Actions in “action”


All I learned is very far away from a real production environment but is nice get a the feeling at what a streaming architecture looks like. If you want to learn it, built something with it

Full demo code here



Felice Geracitano

Medium will be the place where I save stuff that I don’t want to forget.