Dark Cloud Be Gone

3 min readDec 27, 2018


She felt a dark cloud loom over her. Felt it as it began to rain down on her soul leaving her feeling cold and helpless. She’d been down this road before and managed to get through the storm. She was still trying to heal from that one and feared she couldn’t handle this.

She tried distracting herself by staring out the window. All she saw was despair and hopelessness. This did nothing to ease her mind and darkened her mood further. While she felt she could deal with the little problems one at a time, they were overwhelming all at once. That coupled with lack of control drove her crazy. She needed control.

Her mind churned with thoughts of what to do to ease the burden of the storm for she had no choice but to push through. She’s been pushing through all this time but was growing weary. That dark cloud forever looming over her creating an atmosphere of darkness that seemed impenetrable. The enemy was relentless with the attacks on her spirit. Anxiety, fear and anger were his greatest weapons and he used them without mercy.

She felt powerless…

Just when she thought she reached her breaking point, a memory formed in her mind.

She was in church, gazing at the alter praying. A woman she knew approached her and said “You are a woman of strength” then proceeded to hug her. That hug broke her and built her up at the same time. It stripped her of the pain, the anxiety, and fear while building her up with love, hope and faith. She felt a burden lift and instantly felt lighter.

The memory caused her to pause. She opened her scripture app and read:

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble”…. -Psalm 46:1

She searched for verses about peace and found:

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” -1 Peter 5:7

And verses about faith and found:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” Proverbs 3:5–6 ESV

Dark cloud be gone.

All she had to do was open her heart and have faith. While her problems would still be there, she was not alone.

Dark cloud be gone.

With prayer as her weapon, she would withstand any storm. With faith as her guide, she would not get lost. With his love as her shield she will forever be protected.

Dark cloud be gone.

That memory was a reminder of not only how far she’d come but also how strong prayer and faith could be. That moment was a push that he wanted her closer so he can continue to aid her in her spiritual battle. And while she failed him constantly, he would never fail her.

Dark cloud gone.

This is for Jocelyn. You have no idea how you touched my heart in that moment ❤️

