PS, my devil.

Felicia C
2 min readFeb 27, 2015


(Thursday, July 17, 2014)

Felicia: a gf wanted to set me up with someone
PS: any idea who?? does he have nice arms? a tesla?
Felicia: ugh I dunno
PS: you didn’t even see a pic?! you gonna meet him?
Felicia: I trust her, we’re all gonna do hh together, not a blind date!
PS: haha, ok
Felicia: or I can text Toothbrush, and see if he’s still single
PS: hahahahaha, wowsers, you should do that
that’s what I would do, I guess
maybe you shouldn’t do that, then

Toothbrush. All the guys that I date have a nickname, it’s actually what PS and I call them when we chat. There’s always an organic way in which the nicknames come about, but I’ll get to how Toothbrush came about at some point, I’m sure. I do this with all my friends because it was kind of a crazy year with lots of boys. At one point a gf said to me, “Should I even bother remembering his name? There are just too many.” PS comes up with the best names and most of the names come from him, they just stick. Toothbrush was the first of five boys I hung out with in longer bursts of time throughout 2014 right after a 4 year long relationship with X.

PS is a good guy friend of mine. He’s in his own hazy state of singleness. Incredibly intelligent, he’s very self aware. However, he’s unable and/or unwilling to change himself for the faults or positives of what he may want with regards to relationships. We each have our personal angels and devils sitting on our shoulders, whispering into our ears. When it comes to relationships and dating, PS is my devil.

I never feel judged with PS, I mean, what could be worse than the devil? So, he became one of my main confidantes around my boy escapades. Resulting in Monday morning updates about the weekend’s drama — pure entertainment for PS.

The above chat was a pivotal point in our friendship. He went from pure devil to realizing that what he would do isn’t necessarily what I should do in my quest to refind myself in this crazy dating world. This brings me to why I’m even starting this blog. In a fit of annoyance, he lectured me, via google chat (our preferred form of communication), about needing a boy break last month. When the devil turns angel, FC listens. So, I took a break. And of course, without a boy on my mind. I got bored. So here I am, taking our hundreds of pages of transcripts and putting them down in a blog to reflect on the stupidity, joy, and heartache of this past year.

