Why Do We Separate Our Boats?

Felicia Hester
2 min readOct 20, 2018


Today’s prayer, “God, though I operate in time, space, and capacity, help me remember that you do not. God, you know what the future of my business holds. I trust in your plan and pray that I will be guided by the Holy Spirit as I set about my work each day. “

Luke 5:1–11

-The fishermen had been working all night but came back to shore with empty nets. No fish = no food = no money.

-Jesus steps into Simon’s boat and asks to be taken away from shore to finish his sermon. I imagine Simon was not interested in doing this. This was his work boat. He was in for the night, cleaning his nets.

-Simon did what Jesus asked.

-Jesus told him to cast his nets again and he filled his boat and the other boats with so much fish that they began to sink.

-Do you separate your work boat from your Jesus boat?

-What if you allowed Jesus into your work boat?

-Notice that Simon had to be willing to let Jesus on the boat, THEN Jesus showed him what he could do.

-Every biblical account of a miracle happened AFTER the people / person acted FIRST.

-Quit praying for God to give you a boat! He gave you a tree! Be 1. WILLING to build your boat and 2. START on it! THEN he will guide you.

Be encouraged that although we want to know the answers and the end results before we begin, it just doesn’t work that way. If we knew all the details, the setbacks, the breakthroughs, the hard times, the losses, the wins, we wouldn’t start because it would be too much to handle. The point is that we must be willing to accept the good AND the bad but REMAIN passionate about what we are pursuing and why.



Felicia Hester

Lover of thoughts birthed from quiet reflection, captured in words, and shared at the feet of the world where they may take new shape in the minds of others.