White people, when you call me “well-spoken,” this is what you’re actually saying.

Lecia Michelle 📃
4 min readNov 30, 2017

I was a Resident Assistant in college, and most of my floor consisted of white freshmen girls. One evening, I was sitting in my dorm room when one of the girls came by to hang out. It happened pretty regularly. She was from a small town not far from the university, and she hadn’t been away from home before, so I would give her advice and lend an ear when she needed it.

Then this shit happened:

Girl: You’re not like other black people.

Me: *silence ’cause I know what’s coming*

Girl: You speak so well. You know what we call those other black people?

Me: Don’t —

Girl: Niggers.

Me: First of all, don’t say that word. Second of all, if you say that word around the wrong black person, you’re gonna be picking your teeth up off the floor.

Girl: But —

Me: Get outta my room, Becky.

Okay, her name wasn’t Becky, but it should have been.


I’ve had several variations on this same stupid conversation, but girl legit went there with me.



Lecia Michelle 📃

I'm a black woman, a writer, poet and activist. I hope to one day put my stories into a book. Twitter:@LeciaMichelle11