Credit: DonkeyHotey

White people will never turn their backs on Trump

White supremacy feels way too good to give up.


A friend of mine, a brilliant black woman, broke down yesterday. After Trump’s “shithole” comment, she was doing what a lot of us do online — trying to educate racists. Her reward for that work was threatening private messages and “friends” telling her not to talk about race so much. It makes them uncomfortable.

This is what happens when we try to explain our humanity to racist white people. We’re blatantly shown they won’t ever see us as human beings. So when someone asked me when white people will turn their backs on Trump, I said never. They will never admit he’s a racist. They will never admit they’re racists. They’ll express some shock at his latest comments, then go on about their day. His words don’t affect them because our pain isn’t their pain.

White people, when black and brown folks discuss race, it’s because we are fighting to be seen and heard. It’s painful for us to see white people dismiss and diminish us because they can’t understand why we can’t “just let it go.” So I ask you… let what go? Let’s see.

The fact that even the media won’t say Trump is racist. They called his latest words “vulgar,” “obscene,” “racially tinged,” “racially insensitive.” Yes, I’ll agree they could be described with…



Lecia Michelle 📃

I'm a black woman, a writer, poet and activist. I hope to one day put my stories into a book. Twitter:@LeciaMichelle11