#1 Design Critique — Style Delivery Service of Stitch Fix

Felicia Tu
3 min readSep 4, 2018


Stitch Fix is the platform of personal styling service for everyone. The overview of their service is to provide a personalized styling package delivers to your home. It is simply to subscribe on their website to become their member. Moreover, normally users can customized the styling package which will reach to your home per month or quarter.

According to the ‘’ The elements of user experiences ‘’ by Jesse James, Garrett mentioned about 5 planes to map up a successful digital experiences which includes strategy plane, scope plane, skeleton plane, and surface plane.

Stitch Fix has very strong design strategy which is centered in customers who need styling help

In the strategy plane, this focus on fulfilling user’s need with clear business’s object. Stitch Fix has very strong design strategy which is centered in customers who need styling help. For example, if a busy lady who doesn’t have time to look up for cloths. She might needs someone professionally to do it for her in order to save time on searching and purchasing the cloths. Stitch Fix has potential to fit their needs for looking right styling items by its strong data-driven merchandising technology.

A smooth process of collecting personal data raises desire of subscription.

Second plane is scope plane which is about the functionality or content requirements of the website. As an user to investigate the features on the website. In user’s perspective, this questionnaire of user’s styling preferences fails because it doesn’t seem as an efficient feature. Furthermore, A smooth process of collecting personal data raises desire for subscription.

Structure plane is the Information Architecture which is about how it arranges the content. Stitch fix has a well structure that includes a clear bottom to define your gender, a nice instruction to introduce how the stitch fix works. Moreover, the instruction is clear for the users. For examples, I only followed the steps to complete my questionnaire and leaded me to complete my subscription in the end.

The goal of Skeleton plane is to address information design to give users a easy way to understand the website’s function. The content of questionnaires include many details of preferences. For example, the questions is such as ‘’which part of your body would like to emphasize or which part of your body would like to hide’’ along with a smooth navigation which is easy for user to browse.

Great virtual presentation enhances the trustability of using their styling services

Finally, the surface plane is to address the sensory experience of the website which includes the virtual design, images, or typography. The virtual presentation of stitch fix is very simple which includes many images demonstrate the styling examples. In addition, some of the images have put more fashion items in one image that enhances the trustability of participating at their styling service. Overall surface of this website is lovely, if there are more impressive styling images or typography that enhances the stitch fix brand’s image would be better.



Felicia Tu

Product Designer| Business Strategy & Tech & Story| 喜歡新體驗,也設計體驗,熱愛舊事物,也創造新生活https://www.facebook.com/nycdiagonalley