How great Leaders serve others by David Marquet.

Felipe Dutra Tine e Silva
1 min readJan 18, 2017


The great leader, are not the one who gives a lot of orders, the one that is authoritarian.

“To be a great leader ,

We need to give control, not take control.

We need to create leaders not followers

The idea of the leader as someone who takes control stems from these days when we were interested for the physical output of people (what their hands can produce).

What we want now from people is thinking.

The hands of the coders aren’t enough.

You know what happens when we get people control, people gain agency to become :

  • passionate
  • involved
  • engaged
  • commited
  • participants.

When you give a role to play to someone, they feel that they can make a difference. (and is what we want from our coders)

People with control :

  • they are healthier
  • they have fewer sick days
  • they weigh less (i’ve seen it with a guy becoming a leader, and controlling his life lost 200 kg (maybe I exagerate a little bit :D))
  • they have less instances of heart disease
  • they live longer

So when, as a leader, you take control, you’re stealing their health”

This is some remarks from the video :

I highly encourage you to see this video, entirely.

