String concatenation in golang since 1.10 (bytes.Buffer vs strings.Builder)

Felipe Dutra Tine e Silva
2 min readSep 26, 2018


string concatenation is one of the subject we heard about in all languages.

In golang, as others language, you can do such things in many ways.


Before golang 1.10 the most effective way was to use bytes.Buffer.

func CreateKeyBuf(keys ...string) string {
var b bytes.Buffer
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
return b.String()
var Result stringfunc BenchmarkCreateKeyBuf1(b *testing.B) {
var result string
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
result = CreateKeyBuf("a")
Result = result
func BenchmarkCreateKeyBuf2(b *testing.B) {
var result string
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
result = CreateKeyBuf("a", "b")
Result = result
func BenchmarkCreateKeyBuf3(b *testing.B) {
var result string
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
result = CreateKeyBuf("a", "b", "c")
Result = result

if we benchmark it :

go test -run=^$ -bench=. -benchmemgoos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkCreateKeyBuf1-8 20000000 62.8 ns/op 112 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkCreateKeyBuf2-8 20000000 95.5 ns/op 114 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkCreateKeyBuf3-8 10000000 134 ns/op 115 B/op 2 allocs/op


func CreateKeyString(keys ...string) string {
var b strings.Builder
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
return b.String()
var Result stringfunc BenchmarkCreateKeyString1(b *testing.B) {
var result string
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
result = CreateKeyString("a")
Result = result
func BenchmarkCreateKeyString2(b *testing.B) {
var result string
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
result = CreateKeyString("a", "b")
Result = result
func BenchmarkCreateKeyString3(b *testing.B) {
var result string
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
result = CreateKeyString("a", "b", "c")
Result = result

benchmark :

go test -run=^$ -bench=. -benchmemgoos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkCreateKeyString1-8 50000000 26.5 ns/op 8 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkCreateKeyString2-8 50000000 30.8 ns/op 8 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkCreateKeyString3-8 50000000 34.0 ns/op 8 B/op 1 allocs/op

Conclusion :

strings.Builder for concatenation is faster, more stable, and allocate less memory.

Special Thanks to dubyte for the review.

