Retrograde and Prograde orbits of moons in our Solar System. Very Fascinating.

David Felix
4 min readMay 22, 2024

Prior to doing research on this topic, I had always believed moons were formed from the remnants of the planets they orbited like the moon orbiting our planet Earth. Imagine my surprise at finding out that this isn’t the only way planets obtain moons 😂.

The orbits of moons in our solar system reveal fascinating insights into their origins and the dynamic processes at play. These orbits are classified as either prograde or retrograde. Prograde orbits are those in which a moon orbits its planet in the same direction as the planet’s rotation, whereas retrograde orbits occur when a moon travels in the opposite direction of its planet’s rotation. Understanding these orbital mechanics, especially in the context of moons that were captured by their host planets rather than formed alongside them, provides a window into the history of our solar system.

Prograde Orbits

Artist’s impression of Europa, a moon in prograde orbit around Jupiter. (src:

Prograde orbits are the most common type found among moons. This alignment is a natural outcome for moons that form from the same circumplanetary disk of gas and dust that formed the planet. These moons typically exhibit low inclinations relative to the planet’s equator. For example, the Galilean moons of Jupiter — Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto — follow prograde orbits. They formed from the same disk of material that surrounded Jupiter in the early solar system.

Retrograde Orbits

An artist’s depiction of Neptune and its largest moon, Triton in a retrograde orbit around it. (src:

Retrograde orbits, on the other hand, are less common and often indicate a different origin story. Moons in retrograde orbits are usually captured objects that did not form together with the planet. Captured moons typically have irregular shapes, highly inclined orbits, and in some cases, even highly eccentric orbits.

Captured Moons: Case Studies

Triton — Neptune’s Largest Moon

Triton, Neptune’s largest moon, is one of the most well-known examples of a captured moon in a retrograde orbit. Triton’s retrograde orbit suggests that it did not form alongside Neptune but was instead captured by the planet’s gravity. Triton’s capture likely caused significant tidal interactions, which would have dissipated its kinetic energy, allowing it to settle into its current orbit. This capture scenario is supported by Triton’s geologically active surface, which indicates a complex history likely involving tidal heating and cryovolcanism. Triton’s capture also had catastrophic consequences for Neptune’s original moon system, likely destabilizing and ejecting many smaller moons.

Phoebe — A Moon of Saturn

Cassini image of Phoebe. (src: Wikipedia)

Phoebe is another fascinating case. This moon orbits Saturn in a highly inclined, retrograde orbit, distinguishing it from most of Saturn’s other moons, which have prograde orbits. Phoebe is believed to be a captured object from the Kuiper Belt, a region of the solar system beyond Neptune filled with icy bodies and remnants from the solar system’s formation. This hypothesis is supported by Phoebe’s composition, which resembles that of other Kuiper Belt objects. The moon’s capture likely involved a complex interplay of gravitational interactions and collisions, which eventually led Phoebe into its current orbit around Saturn.

Ananke Group — Moons of Jupiter

Ananke: the largest moon of the group. (src:

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, hosts several groups of irregular moons with retrograde orbits, indicating capture events. The Ananke group, a collection of small moons orbiting Jupiter, provides a clear example. These moons share similar orbital characteristics and are thought to have a common origin, possibly a single captured body that was subsequently fragmented. The capture of these moons likely involved a combination of gravitational perturbations from Jupiter and other solar system bodies, along with dissipative processes that allowed these objects to be captured into stable, long-term orbits around Jupiter.

The Capture Process

The capture of moons involves intricate dynamics and can occur through several mechanisms. One primary method is through three-body interactions, where the gravitational influence of the planet and a third body, such as another moon or the Sun, alter the trajectory of a passing object, slowing it down enough to be captured. Another mechanism involves drag forces, such as those exerted by a protoplanetary disk or a planet’s extended atmosphere, which can dissipate the kinetic energy of a passing object, leading to capture.

Once captured, these moons can undergo significant evolutionary changes. Tidal forces between the planet and the moon can lead to heating and geological activity, altering the moon’s surface and internal structure. The initial highly eccentric orbits of captured moons can circularize over time due to tidal interactions, further influencing their orbital dynamics and physical characteristics.


The study of prograde and retrograde orbits, especially regarding captured moons, enriches our understanding of the solar system’s history and the dynamic processes that shape planetary systems. Moons like Triton, Phoebe, and those in the Ananke group highlight the complexity and variety of celestial mechanics at play. These captured bodies not only tell tales of their own origins but also shed light on the environments and conditions of the early solar system. As our observational techniques and theoretical models improve, we continue to uncover the intricate dance of gravitational forces that govern the motions of these fascinating celestial objects.



David Felix

I love to learn and write about a variety of topics including space, programming, languages, poetry and Web3.