Explaining LLMs to my neighbors

Felix J Cheng
5 min readFeb 18, 2024


John and Geri, my neighbors who are like a second set of grandparents to my son Max, were curious about my new job the other day. Here’s how our conversation went:

Geri: “So Felix, I heard you started working at a new place. What’s your role there?”

Me: “I’ve joined this cool place to help simplify the complexity of business and make it easier for companies and customers to create connections.”

John: “Ah… and how exactly do you do that?”

Me: “Well, we help businesses improve their customer service.”

Geri: “Like making calls to the Comcast cable company less of a headache?”

Me: “Precisely!”

John: “Sounds crucial. But how do you achieve that?”

Me: “I have a few ideas, and I’d love to get your thoughts on them.”

Geri: “Sure, we’d be happy to help.”

Me: “Imagine if Comcast asked us to boost their customer service by finding the best customer representative. We’ve brainstormed a few strategies.”

“Idea one comes from Victoria, who thinks we should start as early as possible. Imagine outfitting newborns with diapers featuring cable patterns, giving toddlers wifi-router-shaped toys, and having first graders ride ethernet-cable bikes. We’d design an entire educational journey from elementary to college, all about learning electronics, the Internet, and any other things that we can imagine that a Comcast expert would need to learn, and maybe even more, just in case, with the sole purpose of crafting the perfect customer service rep for Comcast.”

John: “Hmm….”

Me: “Then there’s Alexander, who agrees that we need specialized retraining to be a successful Comcast CS rep, but he believes Victoria’s approach a bit too much. He suggests we focus on post-college career training specifically for becoming a Comcast customer rep. This would be like an additional four years of graduate study after college, learning advanced knowledge and deep technical information about the Internet, tailored to Comcast’s needs.”

Geri: “I see….”

Me: “Elizabeth has a more grounded approach. She believes that college education is enough and just proposes adding a one-month intensive training for recent graduates, covering everything from tech skills to customer interaction tips.”

John: “That seems more doable.”

Me: “James agrees with Elizabeth but thinks even designing the training is unnecessary. We could outsource it to training specialists.”

Geri: “But isn’t training what your company does?”

Me: “Exactly, which is why Emma suggested simplifying it further. No special training is needed and just give new hires a reference handbook and some cheat sheets. College kids are smart; they’ll just look through the handbook and cheat sheets when customers come.”

Me: “So, which idea do you think is best?”

John: “Alexander’s plan sounds solid for a tech company like Comcast. A general grad might lack the technical know-how. So doing some graduate study is necessary”

Geri: “Yet, a month of training could suffice for customer service basics, like troubleshooting wifi issues, so I like Elizabeth’s idea”

Me: “What about Victoria or Emma’s approaches?”

Geri: “For simple retail jobs mostly about just pointing customers to find where the shelf is for toothpaste, or putting fruits in a basket, Emma’s idea could work.”

John: “Victoria’s plan seems overkill, even for high-tech Internet fields. However I wonder if certain places, like medical, legal, or rocket companies might need it since they are just so special, and the tolerance for risk is so low”

Me: “Right. So basically what I explained are different approaches to developing Large Language Models (LLMs) for customer service. LLMs are ways to train computer computer programs to do something for us. And we can choose to design the LLMs from the most intensive training akin to Victoria’s approach to the minimalist strategy like Emma’s, each with different pros and cons for investments and rewards”

Me: “While Emma’s method is the easiest, it might be too slow for real-time interaction. Think of it as asking a kid to engage in a discussion while the kid is trying to learn how to respond by looking up a dictionary at the same time.”

Me: “Consider public education as basic training for a general-purpose model. It’s crucial for any specialized role later on. The key is the complexity of customer service tasks and the quality of the public education system. In some places, additional training will be necessary.”

Me: “Victoria’s idea, though ambitious, could provide us with a competitive edge by enabling us to offer unparalleled customer service across industries. After all, we are a company that helps others to connect better to their customers, so we should always strive to be the best in doing so. The accumulation of know-how from years of learning from Victoria’s idea sounds crazy and could be particularly special for the business to succeed in the long term. Imagine we might write a whole bunch of parenting best-selling books out of it, and everyone would recognize us as the best in doing this.”

Geri: “It’s all quite intriguing. So, which direction will you take?”

Me: “We’re still exploring. It is all about balancing investment and returns, leveraging what’s available out there (e.g., the public education system), and also anticipating what these would change in coming years. Let’s chat more about it next time.”

































