Top 7 most profitable Business ideas worth starting in Uganda today.

Osuna Felix
4 min readNov 19, 2022
Photo by Carter Yocham on Unsplash

Starting a business in Uganda today shouldn't be hard

However, at times, I know you struggle.

Simply because you need to know which business idea is worth your hustle. The ones you should try and the ones you shouldn't attempt to do

This article will shed light on 7 business ideas you can start in Uganda today, even if you have limited resources.

Let's dive in.

Top 7 most profitable business ideas worth Starting in Uganda today.

1. Salon Business.

The salon business is one of the most profitable business ideas you can do in Uganda today.

You won't regret it when you Invest in a Unisex salon

Also, you won't need a large capital to start these businesses.

You will need salon equipment that can be bought at a fair price in Kampala.

The working equipment will consist of hair dryers, Hot combers, shaving machines, Nail cutters and much more.

The combined cost of buying these pieces of equipment may be at most 5 million shillings.

After procuring this equipment, your next step will be to find a good location for your business.

The location should be in a busy place having a good population.

Finally, you get to work.

The Saloon Business can earn you up to 300000 shillings if you know how to beat off your competitors.

2. Outside catering services

Today as we enter the festive period.

Outside catering has become the most in-demand service right now.

When I talk of outside catering, I mean offering food services to weddings, graduation parties, baby showers, birthday celebrations, etc.

To start this business, one may not need more than 5 million shillings

And according to Promise, who does this business she ``says you will need to have your working equipment that may include saucepans, food warmers, plates and glasses et al

She also said that in a good week, she could make up to 500000 shillings profit after paying off her workers.

3. Events Management

Events management means organizing ceremonies, parties, conferences, and music concerts on behalf of another person or company.

These parties may include graduation parties, birthday parties, and Funeral services.

In other words, events management may also include offering outside tents services, sitting chairs for hire, a public address system et al.

The cost of starting this business is within your reach. You can still create this business even with a capital of 5 million shillings.

4. Open up an agricultural store.

This one is one of the hottest business ideas right now.

But what do we mean when we say agricultural store?

Well, an agricultural store is a store that buys wholesale agrarian produce, then stores them and sells them when prices are fine to the retailers.

These people buy agricultural produce wholesale and sell them to retailers in small quantities.

James, a produce dealer in the streets of Kampala, says, ``this business is very profitable during the festive period``.

He buys agricultural produce from the farmers up country and transports them to Kampala, then stores them for some time, waiting for the prices of the commodity to rise. He then sells them in small quantities to urban dwellers in the suburbs of Kampala city.

You can start this business with a capital of fewer than 5 million shillings.

5. Boda Boda Business.

These business idea is currently making people millions right now.

And I want you to experience this free money.

How does the Boda Boda business work out?

The Boda Boda business means dealing in the transportation industry.

You can start the Boda boda business with one motorcycle, or if you have the financial strength, you can own up to 3 motorcycles, with each bike costing you not more than 3 million shillings.

Then find people who are trustworthy enough to operate them on your behalf. In exchange, each Boda boda motorcycle pays you a minimum of 20000 shillings daily.

When collected daily, this money makes you up to 60000 shillings of clean money from 3 boda boda motorcycles daily.

6. Open up a Computer repair centre and Internet Cafe

Computers and smartphones are in high demand in Uganda right now.

This makes this business one of the most profitable business ideas to start right now in Uganda.

To start computer repair services in this business, you will need the necessary skills to repair computers.

Besides that, you will also need to procure computer and smartphone spare parts.

And to start the computer cafe, you will need working computers and an internet connection to make it a computer cafe.

The cost of procuring this equipment may be at most 10 million, and you can make up to 250,000 shillings on a good day.

7. Mobile money transfer services

Today mobile money transfer is the most popular means of transferring money from one person to another

This business is in high demand and

I want to a sure you. You will make huge profits once you finish setting up your shop.

To begin this business, You need to own a mobile money transfer line/card and have some income to use as initial capital to start offering mobile money services. The cost of starting this business may amount to at most 5 million shillings.

There are many more business ideas you can start there. However, these 7 have the most potential to transform your financial future and your life forever.

Therefore be an action-taker and go out there and make things happen.

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Thank you for reading.



Osuna Felix

coffee obessed, christian preacher and freelance content writer( 256-758030842+