Felix Paiti
2 min readApr 2, 2018


Christian Marclay was born 63 years ago on 11 January 1955 in San Rafael, California. He has created huge numbers of movie series or clips during his life. This film is one of the most magnificent films that he has produces which is titled as ‘The Clock’. ‘The Clock’ is a complication video of clocks taken from the cinema. There are people interact with their clock or showing the particular time. The Clock’ explains how time, plot and duration are drawn in cinema.By using his technique which is a series of fragments that build a whole, Marclay and his group spent about three years collecting thousands of films and television clips from different years and combined them to make a 24 hours timepiece movie. ‘The Clock’ movie had been played in almost around the world including London, New York, Jerusalem, Ottawa, Seoul, Venice, Moscow, and Toronto. Since then, ‘The Clock’ won the audiences heart. This unique film also received the Golden Lion tribute which is the best award by the prestigious Venice Biennale in the year of 2011. ‘The Clock’ also got heaps of criticisms from the watchers and one of them is “’The Clock’ is neither bad nor good, but subline.”, said Zadie Smith in The New York Review of Books.

Since ‘The Clock’ film is such a very unique and famous clip, there are many people make this video as an inspiration and one of them is Felix Paitimusa. Paitimusa created a one minute clip by using Christian Marclay’s movie, ‘The Clock’ as his inspirations. He decided to follow Christian Marclay by using the skill that he used in ‘The Clock’ as it is such an interesting idea. In this opportunity, Paitimusa made a short movie which he named it as ‘TRANSYD’. He named his movie as ‘TRANSYD’ since the movie is all about transportations in Sydney that people usually utilize, specifically around the University of Technology Sydney. Felix took several scenes from various angles about transportations in Sydney such as train, private car, motorcycle, bicycle, bus, cabs, and light rail train. He combined all the clips together and produce it as a short movie just like how Christian Marclay did. The aims of the film are giving a viewpoint of how people travelling around Sydney and explaining about the importance of vehicle in this modern era. People usually use these vehicles to work, go to school, have a vacation and so. The movie is telling that there are heaps of public transportations in Australia even in this small area. To support this idea, Paitimusa chose a fun song since it is suitable with travelling.

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