What Can High School Students Do To Prepare for A Computer Science degree?

Prof. Cabrera
4 min readDec 9, 2018

As a Computer Science graduate tutor and teacher, I have worked with many students from different academic levels, from elementary school to college students. A question I received from a high school student was what can I do to prepare for a Computer Science degree in college?

So, today I will focus on sharing things you can do right now you are in high school to prepare for a Computer Science degree. This way, you can prepare for success once you start the Computer Science program you choose to attend.

Work on your math skills

Computer Science is a field that is very related to math. As you progress through your degree, you will take courses (depending on your program) like Analysis of Algorithms, Numerical, and Theory of Computation, which requires Math to really understand the concepts and ideas on a deeper level. Not only that, many programs can require various Math courses like Calculus I, II and Statistics. So, working on developing your Math skills as a High School student will make your path easier, in my opinion, when you start your Computer Science degree. Thus, giving you a head start and advantage when you start your first college semester.

There’s Math in Computer Science

