What Programming Language Should I Learn First As a Beginner?

Prof. Cabrera
4 min readJul 30, 2018


With all the programming languages out there in the market, it can feel pretty overwhelming when you have to choose one as a total beginner. I understand that people may get frustrated when they hear Python, JavaScript, Java, C++ and don’t know what they are, or what they do. Thus, not knowing where to start.

So, today I am going to share my approach on how to choose the right programming language to learn how to code as a total beginner. I also share a strategy that you can use when deciding which technologies to learn to land a job in the tech industry.

Let’s get started.

Identify your goals

Before you choose a programming language, you need to ask yourself, what are your goals when it comes to programming? Why do you want to learn how to code? Do you want to land a job? Or do you want to do it just for fun? These questions will guide you to select a programming language or even a technology stack that will be tailored to your motivation and interests. For instance, if your goal is to land a job in web development, I would advise starting learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. On the other hand, if you want to land a job as a mobile developer in a particular operating system, iOS or Android, I would recommend starting with Java or Kotlin (for Android), and Swift (for iOS), depending on the platform of your preference.

Now, if you want to learn how to code just for fun, I would suggest learning Python. In my experience, Python is a good starting point, is easy to write and understand. You don’t have to worry to declare the type of variables you want to use compared to other languages such as C++ and Java. Also, Python is used in a myriad of fields, which in return, provides different career opportunities. Thus, it will open doors for you if you want to, later on, pursue a career that involves programming in Python.

By identifying your goals, you are making sure that you choose a programming language that will help you reach your goals. Consequently, feeling fulfilled that you are learning a language that interests you.

Research the market in your area

If your primary goal is to get a job in the tech industry, another tip I can give you is to research the market in the area where you live. Go online to websites like Indeed.com and search for the type of job you want to pursue. Let’s say that you want to land a web developer role, then search the term “web developer” within your location. Then, look at the requirements in the different job descriptions. As you keep reading more and more job descriptions, you might see a pattern in the programming languages, frameworks, and technologies that they use. You might see things like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.

Take note of the ones that are in the most demand among companies in your area. Then create a plan to start learning these requirements. Now, when deciding between learning the programming language or a framework first, choose the programming language. Focus on learning the fundamental concepts of the programming language first, then go ahead and learn how to use the frameworks.

By taking time to research the programming languages that are the most requested in your area, you are making sure that you are investing the time into learning the right programming languages and technologies that will help you land the role you want. I strongly recommend not to skip this step if your motivation is to get a job in the tech industry, as the demand of skills vary according to the state or country you may live in. I’ve seen this happen many times. I’ve noticed that in some areas some skills are in more demand than others.

There you have it, my advice on which programming language to choose as a total beginner. You can use these tips as guidelines to help you decide. In hindsight, you should first know what your goals are. Once you identify your goals, you can proceed to select the programming language that is right for you. By doing this, I feel that you will setup yourself for success as a complete beginner and spend time learning what is going to bring you fulfillment in the long run.

Hope this helps!

Lastly, please share this article with a friend, it might help them in their coding journey.

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Photo by Lukas from Pexels

Originally published at yadielcabrera.com on July 30, 2018.

