Which Qualities Make Best Online Quran Teacher?

Female Quran Teacher
5 min readOct 28, 2017

When you start looking for an Online Quran Teacher, there are some things that you would always want you tutor to own. When you are willing to pay the cost for the online classes, you would definitely want your online tutor to be something very close to perfect.

Our Online Quran Academy knows what clients want are and how they want their tutors to conduct the classes. Our tutors are well experienced and trained, they know how to tackle all kinds of students.

We know that there are different kinds of students, and every student has a unique way of learning. This is why, our Online Quran Tutors adopt different methods for different age groups so that the students are able to gain as much knowledge as they can.

We value your time and money, we will not want to waste any of your time, which is why our Online Quran Tutors will make sure that they make sure of every minute that you give us. All you need to do is, now give us a chance and let us become an example to all the other Online Quran Teacher.

Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a Teacher:

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had no education, neither did he know how to read or recite but, he taught Islam to thousands of Muslims. He taught with love and care and the main reason why he was such an important and skilled tutor of Islam, was his capability of having the command over the Islam and its principles.

It is narrated from Jabir ibn Abdullah (May Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Allah did not send me to make things hard for people in the hope that they would make mistakes, rather He sent me to teach (as a teacher) and make things easy.”

There are countless sayings in the Holy Quran that confirm that Holy Prophet PBUH was the best Quran teacher of Islam. He was a teacher who was kind and considerate towards his followers. He would always listen to them and repeat everything thrice.

The Holy Quran says, “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often.”

There are many occasions, where the teacher makes mistakes. There can be times when the teacher is unprepared for the lecture, the tutor ignores the questions of the students as he does not know the answer to the questions asked, he might give wrong answer to the question that was he was asked, etc. These things can be however, slightly overlooked in certain situations, but when it comes to teaching the Holy Quran, there is no room for error.

A Quran online teacher seldom understands that the moral grooming of his students will be taught through the Holy Quran. The students are depending on him, to teach them about Islam and its principles in a way the students adopt it in their daily lives.

The duties of the Online Quran Tutor are the same as an Arabic Online Quran Tutor. The class of Arabic, May simple be about learning a language, but the tutors of both the classes have somewhat the same responsibilities.

What Makes a Good Online Quran Tutor

Knowledge of The Subject:

This is a very important factor when it comes to the qualities of the Quran online Teacher. This is however, the most basic and important of all the qualities that make up a good tutor online. One cannot teach unless they have the right knowledge of the Holy Quran.

If the teacher asks any questions from the tutor and the tutor is unable to answer, wouldn’t this create a really negative impression? This is why, the knowledge of the subject is the most important factor that should be noted when appointing a Quran Tutor online.

The online Quran tutors must have a command over the subject that they are teaching. The subject may require a different way of teaching, when teaching different age groups. The way of teaching differs from age groups to age groups.

Moreover, the knowledge of the subject is important because, if a student wants to memorize the Holy Quran, he needs to be taught the basics of the Quran reading first. The task has to be done gradually in steps so that the learning is effective.


Being an online Quran teacher is a tough job. There is no doubt regarding the fact, that this is a complicated thing to do. Being a best online Quran teacher requires one to be extremely patient. Until the student is satisfied; the teacher might have to repeat all of the lessons again, and again. This, however, requires not only effort but, a great deal of patience.

A good online Quran tutor must have the right amount of understanding with the students. This means, that good tutors will realize the age group they are dealing with and will, in return adopt a level of teaching that can help the student understand.


Along with patience, and a command over the subject, tutors are also required to be confident. This body language must show that they are aware of whatever they are doing. Online Quran Tutors must have the ability to judge their students and talk to them about various problems.

There are many times, the student will not talk to the tutor himself. This is where, the tutor has to be confident enough to go to the student and ask him. Online Quran Tutors are required to motivate the students and remind that to work hard. It is very important to encourage the students and ask them to work harder to achieve the goal they had desired.

The Holy Quran is not only there to be recited, it is the complete code of life which is why we are required to not just read it, but also recite it.

The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, “Whoever recites the Qur’an secures knowledge of prophet hood within his ribs [bosom], though Divine Revelation is not sent upon him. It does not befit one endowed with the Qur’an that he should be indignant with those in anger, nor should he indulge in any act of ignorance with those who are ignorant, while the Speech of Allah is there in his chest.”

Developing a Bond with the Student:

This is a very important when it comes to teaching effectively. If the Quran online tutor wants to convey something. It is ideal if the bond between the tutor and the student is strong.

A friendly bond helps the teaching go easy and fun. You can take the reference of the Holy Quran. Show the students the Holy Quran and point at relevant surahs and ayats to engage them.

Make things interesting for your student with the help of which they will stay attentive. Make jokes, add humor to the content so that online Quran classes interactive and fun.

