Transporting oil and gas: the world’s longest pipelines

6 min readSep 21, 2022


The pipelines that transport oil and gas all over the planet are equitably a grand accomplishment of human designing. Their sheer size and stretch is something to see and development can require quite a long while, on the off chance that not many years. Where are the world’s longest pipelines and what is the advancement on their extension?

World’s longest pipelines: Flammable gas
West-East Gas Pipeline: 8,707km

The Oil and Gas Construction Projects Market is worked by PetroChina, which has a 72.26% interest in PetroChina Pipelines. Upon full culmination, it will top the rundown of the world’s longest pipelines. It contains a primary trunkline (stage I) and eight branches. Stage I associates the Tarim Bowl gas fields in Xianjing to China’s greatest city, Shanghai, extending 4,000km. The pipeline goes through no less than 66 urban communities in ten regions, and the gas is utilized for power creation in the Yangtze Waterway Delta.

Initially having the ability to hold 12 billion cubic meters of gaseous petrol each year, the pipeline was extended to 17 billion cubic meters in 2007. Ten new gas blower stations were worked to help the additional gas. The complete expense of the undertaking was assessed to be $5.7bn.
Stages II and III of the pipeline both originate from the fundamental pipeline, spreading from Xianjing in various headings. The limit of the second stage pipeline is 30 billion cubic meters of gas each year and cost the organization $20bn, while stage III can hold another 30 billion cubic meters every year.

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GASUN, Brazil: 4,989km
Still under development, the Public Unification Gas Pipeline (GASUN) will associate the Gasbol pipeline in Bolivia with the northern Amazon and upper east Brazilian states. With an all out length of practically 5,000km, the main phase of the pipeline extends 2,260km from Mato Grosso do Sul in focal Brazil to the province of Maranhão, going through the capital Brasilia. Development started in 2006 and was booked to be finished in 2007.

The Gasbol pipeline interfaces Bolivia’s stores in the Rio Grande locale to Porto Alegre on Brazil’s southeast coast, extending 3,150km across two pipelines, with a greatest limit of 11 billion cubic meters of flammable gas. The whole task is supposed to be finished in 2026 at an expense of $2.48bn.
In August, five Brazilian organizations communicated their advantage in buying 10 million cubic meters of gas each day from 2020 onwards.

Bolivian Pastor of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Luis Sanchez, said in an administration bulletin: “We are haggling new business sectors to produce better costs and conditions for the Bolivian State and grow the incomes of the country.”
Yamal-Europe Pipeline: 4,196km
The Yamal-Europe pipeline associates the flammable gas stores of Western Siberia in Russia to Austria, extending 4,196km across Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Slovakia. Yamal II sidetracks from Belarus through Poland to Austria.

With a breadth of 142cm, Yamal-Europe is viewed as the world’s broadest pipeline, ready to convey 33 billion cubic meters of flammable gas through 14 blower stations. Most of the pipeline, which goes through Russia, is claimed by public energy goliath Gazprom.

Yamal II, which goes through Poland, is worked by EuRoPol Gaz, a joint endeavor between Clean PGNiG and Gazprom, with each holding a 48% stake. The leftover 4% is possessed by the Clean Gas-Exchanging organization.

There have been plans to fabricate a second leg of the pipeline somewhat recently, with Russia putting roughly $5bn in 2013. This could prompt finish of the second leg as soon as the following year.

Trans-Saharan Pipeline: 4,127km
Still in the improvement organizes, the Trans-Saharan pipeline is wanted to extend 4,127km from the gas-rich grounds seaward and coastal Nigeria to the Hassi R’Mel gas fields in Northern Algeria. From that point, it parts into the three separate pipelines bound for the European market.

Whenever finished, the pipeline will ship 30 billion cubic meters of gas across the Sahara desert. It is assessed to cost around $13bn altogether for pipeline development and gas gathering stations.

In any case, a source near The Gatekeeper told the news organization in Spring: “The financial backers know that Nigeria is as of now confronting the test of meeting its gas commitment to adjoining African nations through the West Africa Gas Pipeline Organization, because of frailty in the Niger Delta.

“In the event that we can’t convey gas to Ghana and Togo, how might we satisfy the need for gas in Europe through the Trans-Sahara Gas Pipeline? Ghana has begun searching somewhere else for its gas supply and this isn’t really great for the nation and financial backers in the pipeline project.”

World’s longest pipelines: Unrefined petroleum
Eastern Siberia-Pacific Sea Oil Pipeline: 4,857km

The Eastern Siberia-Pacific Sea Oil Pipeline (ESPOOP) is a 4,857km undertaking worked by Russian oil transportation organization Transneft. Development of the pipeline started in 2006 close to the town of Taishet in the Irkutsk oblast in focal Siberia, and will associate Taishet to Kozmino on the eastern Siberian coast through two pipelines associated at Skovorodino close to the northern Chinese boundary.

In 2009, Russia marked an arrangement with China to build a different part of the pipeline, fit for providing China with 15 million tons of oil, or 300,000 barrels, each day until 2029, in return for a credit of $25bn to Transneft and Rosneft for pipeline and oilfield improvement. Russia started its oil products to China in January 2011. The pipeline runs from Skovorodino to Daqing and is roughly 992km long.

Starting around 2018, Russia is China’s greatest oil provider and Gazprom plans to fabricate another 3,000km pipeline that will interface Eastern Siberia to the Chinese boundary states, as per the BBC.

Druzhba Pipeline: 4,000km
The Druzhba pipeline is supposed to be one of the world’s longest oil pipeline as of now finished. Druzhba runs from Almetyevsk in focal Russia to Schwedt in northern Germany, consolidating 20 siphoning stations en route. Development of the pipeline cost around $5.92m and comprises of almost 730,000t of line. It has a most extreme limit of 1.2–1.4 million barrels of oil each day, with work in progress to expand this in the part among Belarus and Poland.

Russian gas organization Rosneft is supposed to be keen on making a pipeline branch from the Druzhba pipeline to supply more petroleum processing plants in Germany, with leader overseer of Rosneft-Germany, Brian Chesterman, telling Russian public paper Kommersant that it could require three to five years to finish, as per Reuters.

In any case, VTB capital experts told Reuters: “Considering that the task could require the endorsement of the European controllers, we figure it could well be some time before any potential development begins.”

Cornerstone Pipeline: 3,456km
Running from the Cornerstone Hardisty terminal in Alberta, Canada to the Patoka Oil Terminal Center in Illinois, US, the Cornerstone Pipeline transports up to 830,000 barrels of oil each day.

Since its development, two additional stages have been finished, which successfully associate Alberta to Houston, Texas, through joining focuses at Steele City, Nebraska and Cushing, Oklahoma.

The fourth stage, known as Cornerstone XL, was intended to interface Albert to Steele City, by means of a more limited course through Morgan, Montana. In any case, this stage has been hit with a few postponements because of fights from ecological gatherings and the US Natural Security Organization over the touchy territory and the expanded gamble of oil slicks.

In 2015, the Obama organization postponed the development of Cornerstone XL in view of these worries. In a location to the country on 5 November 2015, Obama said: “America is currently a worldwide pioneer with regards to making a serious move to battle environmental change. To be perfectly honest, furthermore endorsing this undertaking would have undermined that worldwide initiative.”

Be that as it may, President Trump has since restored the venture, making a chief request in January last year to allow the Cornerstone XL task. In November 2017, 210,000 gallons of oil spilled from the pipeline in South Dakota.

Kazakhstan-China Pipeline: 2,798km
The Kazakhstan-China oil pipeline associates Atyrau on the Kazakh Caspian Ocean to Xianjing in focal China. It is viewed as China’s most memorable direct oil import pipeline from focal Asia, conveying 20 million tons of oil, or 142 million barrels each year.

The pipeline is provided by both the Aktobe district oil fields and the Kumkol field in Kazakhstan, as well as by the seaward Kashagan field in the Caspian Ocean. It is likewise used to move oil from Russia’s western Siberia to the Atasu oil terminal in the Karaganda district of Kazakhstan.

The new choice by five Caspian Ocean states on sea power has opened the area to investigate in excess of 20 billion barrels of oil and 6.8 trillion cubic meters of petroleum gas, preparing for more noteworthy commodities to Europe by means of the Trans-Caspian pipeline.

