Feng Shui for Casino and other Gambling Establishments


Feng Shui for casino and Gambling Establishments

For many individuals, the allure of visiting a gambling establishment and potentially hitting the jackpot is a dream come true. Despite experiencing losses, the hope of winning never fades. You may be wondering why I am discussing this topic in relation to Feng Shui.

Within the practice of flying star Xuan Kong, there exists an energy combination known as the “robbery star.” In a private home setting, this combination is generally considered unfavorable due to its negative connotations. However, it is important to note that, in certain cases, this combination can actually bring benefits to specific individuals or businesses.

While the “robbery star” combination may carry negative implications, its effects can vary depending on individual circumstances and the specific goals of a person or business. In some instances, this energy combination can be harnessed to promote growth, competition, and financial success.

The same energy that bring challenges to a private person can bring fortune to gambling businesses. We can say that these establishments have the ability to “rob” you of your money. While they may present a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere, their primary goal is profit.

The layout of these gambling places follows strict psychological and Feng Shui principles to tip the odds in their favor. Hidden and unseen energies work in their favor. Don’t be surprised if you enter a gambling venue through a door with the flying star robbery energies.

What makes these places fascinating from a consultant’s perspective is that they deliberately harbor unbalanced energies. Balancing the spaces where gambling occurs is the last thing on the management’s mind.

However, certain areas, such as the cashier zone, specific gambling areas, hotel rooms, entrances, restaurants, and management offices, receive careful attention with very balanced energy settings.

As these gambling establishments rely heavily on betting as their main source of income, they create a unique experience that is alluring and addictive. If you’ve never been to a casino but have been on a cruise ship, you may have noticed that the casino is positioned in the middle of the ship, devoid of clocks or windows.

This deliberate design choice makes it easy for people to lose track of time and stay longer than anticipated.

The concept of “social proof” is crucial in their overall plan to make you believe that other players are succeeding. They want to keep the property and casino floor as crowded as possible. Popular one-cent slot machines are strategically placed in high-visibility areas, even if the flying star (energy map) settings are unfavorable for the casino.

This creates the illusion that players are enjoying these low-stakes games and winning smaller sums of money. Sometimes, even winning a dollar or two sets off the machines’ sounds and lights.

From a Feng Shui perspective, these areas may not be considered favorable or income-generating, but they contribute to the perception of a bustling casino, enticing players to stay for extended periods.

The restaurant and hotel sections of the establishment also play a significant role in generating additional income and profit. The restaurant should have favorable energy settings at the kitchen, cash register, and entrance. Gamblers who enjoy good food and excellent service are more likely to return as repeat customers.

The same principle applies to the adjacent hotel. If a guest does not have a positive experience during their stay, they may choose to visit another complex next time. The hospitality aspect should not be underestimated, as it greatly influences customer satisfaction.

There is another profession that benefits significantly from the one flying star energy associated with conflict and argument and sometimes in the context of legal issues: the legal profession itself. This unique and unseen energy has an inherent attraction to legal cases or disputes. For lawyers, it is very beneficial to have this energy located at important areas to attract more clients.

Furthermore, if a lawyer is sleeping under these specific energy fields it can also draw more legal cases or clients towards him. It is highly beneficial for individuals in this profession to be exposed to such energies.



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