What is the Wu Lou? The Meaning of This Feng Shui Amulet for Good Health — Feng Shui Family

Feng Shui Family
9 min readDec 10, 2023


Introduction to the Wu Lou

The Wu Lou is a hollowed gourd used in the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui to promote health, longevity, and good fortune. This sacred object has been used for thousands of years to harness positive energy known as chi. Often carved from jade or cast from metals like gold or brass, the Wu Lou is shaped like a bottle with a narrow neck opening and a wide, rounded body. Its distinctive form resembles Buddha, symbolizing abundance and prosperity.

Small to large Wu Lou gourds can contain medicines, herbs, coins, soil, rice, and precious stones. They are powerful symbols of health and protection that build and concentrate chi when displayed in feng shui arrangements. The Wu Lou helps prevent illness and block negative forces that can lead to misfortune. For its capacity to store health-giving elixirs and draw in positive energies, this magical gourd has become a revered feng shui cure and an iconic emblem of good health and long life.

Origins and History

The Wu Lou is an ancient and powerful feng shui tool that has been used in Chinese culture for thousands of years. The earliest known examples of Wu Lou date back to the Han Dynasty between 206 BC — 220 AD. These early Wu Lou were made from dried calabash gourds and later crafted from jade, brass, and precious metals.

Throughout Chinese history, the Wu Lou has been revered as a sacred object with mystical abilities to prolong life, protect health, and bring good fortune. According to legend, the Wu Lou was used by the Eight Immortals, a group of legendary daoist deities known for their longevity. The Wu Lou was said to contain the elixir of immortality coveted by the Eight Immortals.

Over time, stories and myths around the Wu Lou transformed it into a powerful feng shui cure utilized by emperors, scholars, and monks alike. Placing a Wu Lou in one’s home became a long-standing tradition aimed at improving health, preventing misfortune, and attracting prosperity. The enduring popularity of the Wu Lou is a testament to its significance in feng shui and Chinese culture.

Meaning and Symbolism

The Wu Lou has deep symbolic meaning in Chinese culture, representing health, longevity, prosperity, and immortality. Its hollow gourd shape and narrow top are thought to contain the elixir of life, allowing whoever possesses it to enjoy good fortune, vitality, and protection from illness.

The gourd’s round bottom and swelling curves evoke a pregnant woman’s body, emphasizing fertility, abundance, and nurturing energy. Its hollow interior can store medicine, food, or relics, making it a life-sustaining vessel overflowing with nature’s bounty.

The Wu Lou’s associations with the Daoist immortals, who were said to compound magical potions of longevity in gourd-shaped containers, gives it an aura of mysticism. To own a Wu Lou implies you possess an artefact infused with the secrets of the ancients, promising health, wisdom, and vitality.

For the Chinese people, the Wu Lou transcends a decorative object. It serves as a powerful symbol of their most deeply-held cultural values — longevity, prosperity, and the continuation of generations. The Wu Lou contains the promise of life’s renewal, making it a beloved and cherished emblem.

Benefits and Uses of the Wu Lou

The Wu Lou is believed to provide many powerful benefits related to health, wellbeing, and good fortune. According to feng shui principles, the Wu Lou can help prevent illness and misfortune while also attracting positive energy and luck into one’s life.

Some of the key benefits attributed to the Wu Lou include:

  • Improves Health and Wellbeing — The Wu Lou is thought to promote longevity, vitality, and overall wellness. It’s seen as a protector against illness and disease. Having a Wu Lou in one’s home or workplace is believed to strengthen the immune system and promote healing.
  • Prevents Accidents and Misfortunes — In feng shui, the Wu Lou helps ward off bad luck, accidents, and other misfortunes. It’s believed to protect against unforeseen dangers and mishaps. Displaying a Wu Lou creates a safe haven and shields against negative energies.
  • Attracts Good Luck and Fortune — The Wu Lou is considered a powerful luck charm for prosperity and abundance. It draws in positive chi energy, success, and good fortune. People often place Wu Lous in areas connected to wealth, like home offices or businesses.
  • Protects Against Ill Intentions — With its protective properties, the Wu Lou safeguards against jealousy, malice, and ill-wishing from others. It’s thought to neutralize negative thoughts or intentions directed your way.

The Wu Lou has become a highly sought after feng shui cure for its numerous health, luck and protection benefits. Displaying one in your home or workplace can help cultivate a positive environment.

How to Use the Wu Lou

The Wu Lou can be used in several ways to harness its protective powers:

  • Hang in your home or office — Hanging the Wu Lou near the entrance is said to prevent illness and misfortune from entering. It’s best to place it in the health, wealth, or relationship areas of the home according to feng shui principles.
  • Wear as a pendant or bracelet — Wearing the Wu Lou as jewelry creates a protective bubble around you wherever you go. Pendant necklaces and beaded bracelets with the Wu Lou symbol are common.
  • Place in your car — Keep a small Wu Lou in your car, either hanging from the rearview mirror or placed in the glove compartment, to prevent accidents and protect you on the road.
  • Gift to loved ones — Giving a Wu Lou to friends or family members, especially when they are sick, is considered good luck and a blessing.
  • Carry in your bag — Keep a portable Wu Lou in your purse, backpack or work bag. It will provide protection throughout the day.
  • Display in your workspace — Having the Wu Lou visible on your desk or workspace is believed to attract career luck and prevent mishaps.

No matter how you choose to use the powerful Wu Lou, follow feng shui principles to optimize the placement. With proper use, the Wu Lou’s protective energies can improve every aspect of life.

Wu Lou Designs

The Wu Lou comes in many different designs, materials, and colors. Traditionally, Wu Lous were made from hollowed out gourds, but today they are also commonly crafted from jade, metals, porcelain, and crystal.

Jade Wu Lous

  • Jade is the most popular material for the Wu Lou due to its many auspicious meanings in Chinese culture. Jade is believed to attract good fortune and ward off negative energy.
  • Jade Wu Lous come in a vivid green color as well as shades of white, lavender, and brown. They may be left plain or intricately carved with symbols and designs.

Brass Wu Lous

  • Brass Wu Lous have a lovely golden shine that symbolizes wealth and prosperity.
  • Brass is also thought to have natural healing properties and bring health benefits.
  • Brass Wu Lous often feature carvings, etchings, or embossed patterns for an ornate appearance.

Metal Wu Lous

  • Wu Lous made from metals like silver, copper, and gold represent longevity and lasting health.
  • Metallic Wu Lous have a sleek, modern look and are sometimes decorated with gemstones.
  • Engraved designs and auspicious characters are common details.

Shape and Size

  • Traditional Wu Lous mimic the shape of a gourd with a narrow neck and wide bottom. They may be short and stout or tall and slender.
  • Modern designs come in more abstract oblong or rounded shapes. Miniature or oversized Wu Lous are also popular.

No matter what design you choose, the Wu Lou is believed to be imbued with protective energy and lucky qualities. Select a style that speaks to you or matches your space.

Where to Place the Wu Lou

The placement of the Wu Lou is an important aspect of unleashing its full power and benefits. According to feng shui principles, the best locations in your home or office to place a Wu Lou are:

  • Near the entrance — Placing a Wu Lou near your front door protects your home from negative energy and illnesses. It promotes the flow of auspicious chi into your space.
  • In the living room — The living room is the heart of the home. Putting a Wu Lou here strengthens relationships and brings family members closer together.
  • In the dining room — Locating a Wu Lou in the dining room improves health and vitality for everyone who eats there. It also attracts wealth.
  • In the bedroom — A Wu Lou in the bedroom, especially near the bed, improves sleep and rejuvenation. It also boosts relationships for couples.
  • In the office — A Wu Lou on your desk or shelf protects against stress, accidents and illnesses. It improves focus and productivity.
  • In the kitchen — The kitchen represents health and nourishment. A Wu Lou here promotes safety and nourishment for the whole family.
  • Near drains or toilets — Place a Wu Lou near bathroom drains or toilets to prevent loss of money and luck.

The key is to place your Wu Lou in a spot where its symbolic meaning and purpose can be fully realized. Trust your intuition on where in your home or office the Wu Lou’s blessings are most needed.

Gifting the Wu Lou

The Wu Lou makes for an excellent and meaningful gift for loved ones. Its powerful symbolism and feng shui properties make it a wonderful way to wish health, longevity, and good fortune upon the recipient.

When selecting a Wu Lou to gift someone, think about their needs and desires. For someone who could use an energy boost or improved health, choose a Wu Lou made from robust materials like brass or carved stone. For those wishing to attract more wealth and prosperity, select one made from gold, jade or other precious materials.

If you know the recipient’s Chinese zodiac animal, you can find a Wu Lou engraved with that creature. Or opt for their birthstone color if you prefer. Include a thoughtful gift message explaining the meaningful history behind the Wu Lou and its benefits. Your good intentions will be transferred energetically through this special gift.

Presenting a Wu Lou conveys your deepest wishes for the recipient’s health, happiness and good luck. It serves as a protective amulet and a beautiful reminder of your friendship or family bond. The Wu Lou makes for a gift that will be cherished and valued for many years to come.

Caring for Your Wu Lou

The Wu Lou is a powerful feng shui cure that needs to be cared for properly in order to maintain its potency. Here are some tips for keeping your Wu Lou in optimal condition:


  • Use a soft dry cloth to gently wipe down your Wu Lou to remove any dust or dirt. Avoid using any water or cleaners directly on the Wu Lou, as this can degrade the material.
  • For jade or brass Wu Lous, you can use a very mild soap and water solution on a soft cloth to gently clean if needed. Rinse with a damp cloth and dry immediately.
  • Do not submerge the Wu Lou in water or use abrasive cleaners. This can damage the Wu Lou.

Charging with Energy

  • Wu Lous absorb negative energy over time. To cleanse and recharge the energy, place your Wu Lou in bright sunlight or moonlight for 4–6 hours. This infuses the Wu Lou with fresh positive energy from the sun or moon.
  • You can also burn incense near the Wu Lou or ring a bell around it to clear any stagnant energy. Allow the smoke to envelop the Wu Lou before waving it away.
  • Meditate with your hands placed on the Wu Lou to project positive, healing energy into the cure. Visualize it glowing with bright light to activate its powers.
  • Touching the Wu Lou frequently also helps keep the energy vibrant. Rub your hands over its surface or gently shake it to prevent energy stagnation.

Caring for your Wu Lou properly will maintain its potency for many years. Take time to regularly cleanse, energize and activate its power. A well-kept Wu Lou will provide powerful benefits.

The Power of the Wu Lou

The Wu Lou is believed to hold great power for improving the health, good fortune and protection of its owner. Those who have used the Wu Lou as part of their feng shui practices report experiencing a wide range of positive effects.

Here are some examples of the types of benefits people have attributed to the power of the Wu Lou:

  • Prevented or recovered quickly from illnesses
  • Avoiding accidents and misfortunes
  • Conceiving a child after difficulties
  • Securing a desired job or promotion
  • Improved family harmony and less arguments
  • Better sleep and freedom from nightmares
  • Increased self-confidence and less anxiety
  • More energy and vitality day-to-day

The Wu Lou works on multiple levels to promote wellbeing. It is thought to act as a protective force field, warding off negative energy and evil intentions from others. It also attracts nourishing Qi energy, improves vitality flow, and promotes balance in all areas of life.

The elixir contained in the hollow gourd is believed to supernaturally enhance health and longevity for its owner. Though the precise effects may differ based on each individual’s needs, the power of the Wu Lou stems from centuries of cultural beliefs in its mystic capacity to aid in living a charmed life. For those seeking greater fortune, protection and vitality, the Wu Lou remains a potent and revered feng shui cure to this day.

Originally published at https://fengshuifamily.com on December 10, 2023.



Feng Shui Family

Hello everyone, I am Bowen Wu, an enthusiast dedicated to exploring the mystical realm of urban feng shui, hailing from a tranquil village in China.