Daily Crypto Thought #7: So Proud of Her

Michael Feng
1 min readSep 6, 2018


Source: Kayla Feng

In the all-consuming, 24/7 crypto world, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters.

As an investor, during days like today when markets are a sea of red, you feel despondent and can’t stop watching the markets.

As a founder, you live with a constant pit of worry that you are failing, aren’t moving fast enough, or are working on the wrong things.

But then my wife sent me a video of my daughter sounding out the words to the left and writing them down.

I was so proud of her that I started to tear up. Overnight, she had learned to spell.

It was a needed reminder that whatever happens with the markets or my startup, things will be OK.

Previous Daily Crypto Thoughts

  1. Users Don’t Care About Decentralization
  2. Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
  3. Put Your 💰Where Your 👅 Is
  4. The Ethereum Mixer
  5. We’re on the Same Side, Folks
  6. Vanity Metrics vs. Real Metrics

