My Journey as a Medium Writer. Lessons Learned and Next Steps

The insights gained during my first month and a half on Medium, and explore the exciting next steps in my writing journey.

Borja Garcia
4 min readFeb 10, 2024


Imaged created by Borja Garcia generated in Dall-E

In my brief but insightful tenure on Medium, I’ve unearthed invaluable lessons that have reshaped my approach to content creation and community engagement. The cornerstone of success on Medium, I’ve learned, lies not just in crafting compelling content but in fostering a robust and supportive community. As a first-time writer on Medium, my journey began with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Would my voice find a home among the myriad of others? This tale is not just about writing; it’s about discovery, learning, and connecting.

Building a Strong Community: The Keystone of Success on Medium

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is the power of reciprocity. Engagement on Medium isn’t a one-way street; it’s a bustling highway of mutual support. Clapping for an article is just the beginning. The real magic happens in the comments section, where ideas are exchanged, and genuine connections are formed. I’ve made it a point to reciprocate every engagement on my articles, a practice that has not only enriched my Medium experience but has also…



Borja Garcia

Film lover delving into archetypes, I explore movies with a captivating lens, always seeking the next cinematic gem. Behavioral psychology and biases studies