5 Unique Easter Traditions Around the World

2 min readFeb 19, 2024


“Hey everyone, and welcome back to our channel! With Easter just around the corner, it’s time to dive into the fascinating world of Easter traditions. Today, we’re exploring five unique Easter traditions celebrated around the globe. Let’s hop right into it!”

  1. Easter Bilby in Australia Host: “Our first stop takes us down under to Australia, where instead of the Easter Bunny, you’ll find the Easter Bilby! Due to conservation efforts to protect the endangered bilby species, many Australians have adopted this marsupial as a symbol of Easter. Chocolate bilbies have become a popular alternative to traditional Easter bunnies, with proceeds often going towards wildlife conservation.”
  2. Kite Festival in Bermuda Host: “Heading over to the beautiful island of Bermuda, Easter Sunday marks the annual tradition of kite flying. Colorful kites of all shapes and sizes fill the sky as families gather for picnics and festivities. Legend has it that a teacher once used a kite to explain Christ’s ascension to heaven, leading to the tradition we see today.”
  3. Easter Tree in Germany Host: “In Germany, Easter is celebrated with the tradition of the Easter Tree, or ‘Osterbaum.’ Families decorate branches with colorful eggs, ornaments, and ribbons, creating stunning displays both indoors and outdoors. It’s a symbol of new life and fertility, and you’ll often find these beautifully adorned trees in public squares and parks.”
  4. Semana Santa in Spain Host: “Now, let’s journey to Spain for Semana Santa, or Holy Week, a deeply religious and elaborate celebration leading up to Easter Sunday. Throughout the week, cities come alive with processions featuring intricate floats, religious icons, and participants dressed in traditional attire. Each region of Spain has its own unique customs and rituals, making it a truly immersive cultural experience.”
  5. Bermuda Codfish Breakfast Host: “Back to Bermuda for our final tradition, where Easter Sunday starts with a hearty codfish breakfast! This savory dish, typically served with potatoes, bananas, and avocado, has been a staple of Bermudian Easter celebrations for generations. It’s a delicious way to kick off the holiday and gather with loved ones.”

“And there you have it, five unique Easter traditions from around the world. Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below! Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more cultural adventures. Until next time, Happy Easter and safe travels!”

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🌟 Passionate Writer | Creative Explorer | Wellness Advocate 🌿Beyond the keyboard, I'm a firm believer in holistic well-being.