My First Dive into Smart Contract Development: A Journey on Remix IDE

Oluwaferanmi Adeyemi
3 min readMar 24, 2024


Entering the world of blockchain and smart contracts can be both exciting and daunting. As a newcomer, I recently embarked on my first journey into writing a smart contract on Remix IDE, and the experience was nothing short of exhilarating. In this article, I’ll take you through my journey, from the initial curiosity to the thrill of deploying and interacting with my very own decentralized lottery smart contract.

My journey began with a simple question: “How are smart contracts written?” With a basic understanding of blockchain technology and a thirst for knowledge, I stumbled upon Remix IDE, a powerful online development environment for Ethereum smart contracts. With its user-friendly interface and built-in compiler, Remix seemed like the perfect starting point for my exploration.

Thanks to resources provided by ETHNIGERIA[] and developeruche(, I found step-by-step guides and tutorials that helped me grasp the fundamentals of Solidity, the programming language used for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Armed with this knowledge and a sense of excitement, I dived headfirst into writing my first smart contract.

I decided to create a decentralized lottery smart contract — a simple yet fascinating project that would allow participants to buy tickets and compete for a prize. With the guidance of documentation, I started drafting the code on Remix IDE.

Line by line, I crafted the logic for ticket purchases, random selection of winners, prize distribution, and more. Each line of code felt like a puzzle piece, gradually coming together to form a fully functional smart contract.

The Thrill of Deployment: After hours of coding and testing, the moment of truth arrived: deploying my smart contract onto the Ethereum blockchain with Base Sepolia Testnet. With a few clicks, I initiated the deployment process on Remix IDE and watched as my contract was deployed onto the testnet.

The feeling of seeing my creation come to life on the blockchain was indescribable. It was a tangible representation of the power of decentralized technology and the endless possibilities it holds.

With the contract deployed, it was time to put it to the test. Using Remix IDE’s built-in interface, I interacted with the contract, bought tickets, started and ended lotteries, and witnessed the random selection of winners. Each interaction reinforced my understanding of smart contract functionality and left me eager to explore further.

As I look back on my first experience writing a smart contract on Remix IDE, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the journey ahead. What started as a curious exploration has blossomed into a newfound passion for blockchain technology and decentralized applications.

I am immensely grateful to ETHNIGERIA and developeruche for providing the resources and support that made this journey possible. Their commitment to educating and empowering developers has been instrumental in my learning journey, and I look forward to continuing to grow and contribute to the blockchain community.

My journey into smart contract development on Remix IDE has been an exhilarating adventure filled with learning, experimentation, and discovery. As I continue to explore the vast landscape of blockchain technology, I am excited to see where this journey will take me and the impact I can make in this rapidly evolving field. Suppose you’re curious about blockchain and smart contracts. In that case, I encourage you to take the leap and embark on your own journey of exploration — you never know what amazing discoveries await you on the other side.

