UX Case Study-Development of Logistic Integration Feature in Krealogi Apps

Ferdian adhika kurniawan
7 min readMay 31, 2022


‘This use case is a part of UI/UX Training Program from Skilvul in collaboration with DTS PRO Academy (Digitalent Scholarship Pro Academy) Ministry of Communication and Informatics. Krealogi is as a challenge partner. Me and my team is not contractually with Krealogi”


Krealogi is an application-based technology for supply chain based on Du Anyam’s experience in running and developing Handicraft supply chain management and systems from remote areas in Indonesia.

As challenge partner, Krealogi wants the development of the Logistics Integration feature so that it can help business actors in their logistics delivery and supply.


  • Create a user-friendly appearance of the Krealogi app for their current target users.
  • Create solutions in the form of designs for their features that are not yet available Logistics Integration.


On this training program, I collaborated with 3 other members, namely:

  1. Balqis Aisyah Farahdiba
  2. Ferdian Adhika Kurniawan
  3. Laily Wahyuti

We discuss and collaborate to define several things as part of assignment. Our responsibilities are :

  1. Create a UX Design Process (Design Thinking)
  2. Crazy 8’s . Visualization
  3. Creating User Flow
  4. Designing the Wireframe
  5. Create the UI Style Guide
  6. Creating UI Design
  7. Finishing the UI Design with Prototyping
  8. Conduct User Research (Usability Testing)
  9. Iteration UI Design

During the work on this UI design using figma tools.

Design Proses

In this UX case study I use the design thinking method. Design Thinking is a problem solving method with a user approach. Design Thinking does not only focus on what is seen and felt, but also focuses on the user experience. It method also help me to define what users really want, as well as user needs and convenience.

“Design thinking is not limited to a process. It’s an endlessly expanding investigation.” — Sandy Speicher, IDEO CEO

Design Thingking Process. Source : IDEO

1. Empathize

Empathize is the first step from design thinking which has a goal to help us searching the preference and need of the user by doing research. In order to do so, i downloaded the apps first and start using it to learn and empathize user pain poins. Then we conduct several acvtivities to support my design thinking process:

  1. secondary research
  2. focus group discussion

When krealogi became the challenge partner of this DTS program, krealogi provided three challenges for the UX case study, namely Simple CRM, Cash Flow Feature, Integration with Logistics and Marketplace. After we had a discussion, integration with logistic is the challenge that we choose.

2. Define

At the define stage, it begins by defining the problems experienced by the user by making pain points from the user using figjam.

Pain Points User. Source: Internal Discussion

After collecting the user’s pain points, how might we be done for how to explore as many ideas as possible for solutions to a problem.

How-Might We. Source:Internal Discussion

After collecting how might we, then voting will be carried out and the results will be used for the next stage. Thus is the results we obtained from voting how might we: tracking shipments of goods, providing shipping options, and integrating customer data and logistics.

3. Idea

3. a. Brainstroming Idea

This idea stage begins with brainstorming ideas based on the results of how might we exist. Brainstorming is done to collect and explain ideas in more detail the more ideas the better.

Brainstroming Idea. Source:Internal Discussion

3. b. Affinity Diagram

After brainstorming the solution ideas are obtained, the next stage is an affinity diagram where the results of the brainstorming are grouped into several categories.

Affinity Diagram. Source: Internal Discussion

3. c. Prioritization Idea

After the brainstorming results are grouped by category, the next stage is to arrange them according to priority. There are 4 priorities, namely yes do it now, do next, do last and later. And ideas that fall into the yes do it now priority category are used for the next stage.

Prioritization Idea. Source: Internal Discussion

3. d. Crazy 8's

Crazy 8’s stage is done by making a rough picture. Each member makes a rough description of their version then the results will be discussed in order to find the results that will be used to make the appropriate wireframe.

Crazy 8’s Source: Internal Discussion

4. Prototype

What is done at the prototype stage is compiling the user flow process according to the solution idea, designing the results from Crazy 8’s, making prototypes that can be used for testing.

User flow is structured as the steps taken by the user to achieve the goal. There are three user flows that will be compiled for this logistics integration feature, namely making orders, checking shipping costs, and tracking shipments. After creating the user flow, proceed with making wireframes.

User Flow “Check Biaya Ongkir”
Wireframe “Check Biaya Ongkir”
User Flow “Buat Pesanan”
Wireframe “Buat Pesanan”
User Flow “Cek Pengiriman”
Wireframe “Cek Pengiriman”

UI Style Guide

UI Design

UI Design is made based on wireframes but with a more detailed and colorful display that will be used to interact directly with the user later.

UI Design “cek biaya pengiriman”
UI “Design buat pesanan”
UI “Design cek pengiriman”


At this stage, it is done by connecting the UI with each other to achieve the goal so that it can run according to the previously planned user flow.

5. Testing

After the prototype stage, testing is carried out with User Research as an indicator of the success of feature development. User Research was conducted using the In-depth Interview and Usability Testing method. Testing is done to clarify ideas with users, and evaluate ideas.

Research Objective

  1. Knowing the user’s understanding of the flow that we create
  2. Seeking user input and needs
  3. Knowing what users think about the application
  4. Knowing how users complete tasks related to logistics on the crealogi web
  5. Knowing when and how users have difficulty completing tasks

Respondent Criteria

  1. 18–55 years old
  2. Micro Business Owner
  3. Domiciled throughout Indonesia
  4. Have the ability to speak Indonesian as a native language
  5. Have an understanding of order data collection
  6. Can use smartphone

Research Scenario

In this test, respondents are asked to run the given task, there are three tasks that must be done including:

  1. [TASK 1] Ask the respondent to make a new order (record the order) ****and fill out the logistics form **** in the record order section and observe what the respondent does.
  2. [TASK 2] Ask the respondent to do check the shipping cost and observe what the respondent has done.
  3. [TASK 3] Requests the user to view the page *shipment check (tracking delivery). Then observe what the respondents did.

Testing Result

After doing In-depth Interview and Usability Testing and using SEQ (Single Ease Question) as user metric in this test. From a scale of 1–7, respondents chose 6 as the overall score for task.

There are several things that need to be improved from the opinion of the respondents regarding the assessment using this SEQ. Respondents said that the logistics integration feature was good. However, there are some things that need to be improved or added such as:

  • Use of small text size
  • Display interface that still looks empty
  • Need to add icon for some displays so they don’t look empty.


After all progress is made in the UX case study using the design thinking method starting from empathy to testing. Then to get feedback and find out what needs to be improved using SEQ and in-dept interviews. However, due to the limited time of design iteration, this design process has not been carried out, in the future if there is an opportunity to carry out design iterations, improvements will be made to the UI design according to suggestions from respondents.



Ferdian adhika kurniawan

A Father of 3 chlidren working at stated owned enterprise