Content Personalization: Why You Need It and How to Create It

The Content Hack that Will Transform Your Business!

Ferdian Arif
6 min readJul 29, 2023
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Everyone would agree that there is a massive amount of content competing for the attention. Content creators need to build meaningful connections with their audiences.

Content personalization is important for this. It means creating content specifically for the right audience, instead of trying to reach everyone without exception.

There are 5 things that I want to discuss in this article:

  1. What is personalization strategy?
  2. Why is personalization important in content?
  3. What is the biggest advantage of personalization?
  4. How to personalize your content.
  5. Types of personalized content.

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Now, let’s dive deeper into this topic!

What is Personalization Strategy?

Personalization strategy creates unique and targeted experiences by using all data about audiences to deliver personalized content, products, or services.

You collect and study information about your customers’ behaviors. What they like, who they are, and how they interact with your content on social media, website, or emails.

Then, you can create personalized experiences that are not generic but unique.

Why is Personalization Important in Content?

Personalization in content is important because it improves user experience, increases relevance, fosters brand loyalty, and drives conversions.

According to the data,

“Most customers get annoyed when website content isn’t personalized (74%), and almost all consumers (91%) are more likely to buy from businesses that offer relevant offers and suggestions.”

What is the Biggest Advantage of Personalization?

The biggest advantage of content personalization is creating a strong connection with the audience. When users feel understood and valued, they become more attached to your brand.

This emotional connection can lead to long term customer loyalty and advocacy.

How to Personalize Your Content

Implementing content personalization may seem difficult, but it’s actually easy if you take the right approach. With the right strategy, it can be both effective and manageable.

Here are some practical steps how to personalize your content:

1. Segmentation

Successful content personalization starts with understanding your audience.

You have to collect data such as location, age, gender and buyer journey. Each data will provide an overview of the behavior of your audience to identify preferences and pain points.

Example for location:

If your audience is from urban areas, they might be more interested in content related to city living, trendy restaurants, and events.

On the other hand, if your audience is from rural areas, they might prefer content about outdoor activities, gardening, and nature.

Example for age:

Younger audiences might be more interested in the latest trends and pop culture, while older audiences might be drawn to content related to financial planning and health.

Example for gender:

Female audiences might show a higher interest in clothing and accessory content, while male audiences might lean more towards tech related products and gadgets.

Example for buyer journey:

Users in the awareness stage might prefer educational content and guides, while users in the decision stage might be more interested in product comparisons and reviews.

Now, you should divide your audience into smaller segments based on common characteristics and interests. This segmentation allows for a more targeted approach.

Create buyer personas for each segment. This step will help you empathize with your audience and make sure that your content speaks directly to their needs.

2. Provide Value

You should always provide value to your audience. Address your audience’s pain points and offer solutions to their problems.

Try to mention the problem in the title of your content then provide a solution. Why title? because it’s the front door to your content. It’s the first thing your audience see.

Now, you can implement storytelling techniques in your content strategy. Stories are powerful tools that capture attention and leave a lasting impression.

Whether you’re telling success stories, sharing customer testimonials, or narrating real life experiences, storytelling makes your content more relatable.

There are still some things you need to do. Two of them are strengthening visual appeal and writing effectively. But I don’t want to make the article longer.

Visit to these 2 articles to learn more if you are interested:

3. A/B Testing

Compare different versions of your content to identify what resonates best with your audience. This involve testing different headlines, calls to action, or content layouts.

If you’ve been following my Medium blog since I had only 15 followers, you’d know that I changed my content layout 5 times, my niche 3 times and my call to action 3 times.

Now, my current blog format is the best. In just 2 months, I gained 100 followers. Some might say 100 followers is not much, but to me, each follower is unique and special.

I started from scratch without any authority. I’m not famous, and I’m not a great person. But I can keep growing by continuously evaluating and reviewing my work.

Types of Personalized Content

After learning about personalized content and audience segmentation, you might be wondering about the real implementation of this concept. Let’s explore some examples of personalized content in action:

1. Blog Posts

Personalized blog posts use audience data to recommend specific topics that visitors are likely to click on. You can suggest relevant blog posts that keeps users engaged.

If your audience has shown interest in health related articles, you might recommend them blog posts on fitness tips or healthy recipes. It encourages them to explore more of your content.

2. Email

Personalized email campaigns go beyond addressing recipients by their names. Businesses can use customer data and behavior to deliver targeted emails with relevant content.

For example, an e-commerce store often send me personalized emails with product recommendations based on my previous purchases or browsing history.

I also often leave items in my online shopping cart, and e-commerce platforms send me reminders to return and complete the purchase with CTA.

Nowadays, these reminders mostly appear as push notifications on my phone rather than emails. I hate it when they use CTA with such strong urgency.

“Ferdian, do you want this bag? Buy now! Only a few stocks left. Use this discount code to checkout your order!”

As a content marketer, my honest reaction is:

3. Product Recommendation

Streaming services like Netflix, Spotify, Amazon Prime, TikTok and Youtube provide personalized recommendations based on the user’s viewing history and preferences.

They try to improve user satisfaction and keep viewers engaged on their platform.

4. Location

Location based personalization allows businesses to deliver content specific to a user’s geographic location.

You can target keywords for your local business on Google. Maybe you can write “Best coffee shop near Charing Cross Road” or “Consulting detective near Baker Street”.

5. Social Media Ads

Social media offer powerful targeting. Online bookstore, for example, can run social media ads promoting sci-fi books to users who have previously shown interest in the genre.

When targeting the right audience with relevant content, the bookstore maximizes ad effectiveness and drives higher click through rates.


Want to get more traffic, improve content quality, and boost your business? Learn all about content marketing with this easy to follow guide. Click now to get started!


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