What is Community in Content Marketing? (Examples)

That’s Why Dom Toretto Always Says that Family is Everything

Ferdian Arif
4 min readAug 11, 2023
Community in content marketing
Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash

A community in content marketing refers to a group of people who are interested in the same stuff — like products, services, content creation, and strategies.

Now that you understand what a community means in content marketing. I’ll move on to explaining 2 main topics and sharing some essential tips you’ll need.

  1. What is content Marketing?
  2. 5 examples you should know.

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Now, let’s dive deeper into this topic!

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is something everyone needs, especially if you’re looking to start a blog and make money online, just like me. Understanding content marketing is key for good content.

It’s not difficult. In fact, it becomes easy once you’ve grasped it. Whether you’re into online sales, increasing views, affiliate marketing, or building a community, these are all achievable.

5 Examples You Should Know

Connecting with the community and being part of the community is the basic part of being human. With community, we can be known, we can be seen and we can establish structures.

In today’s world, we’re not limited to just physical communities, there are online communities too. They can help in creating an online presence and authority.

For your information, this article is connected to the article about content distribution I’ve previously created:

Now, here are 5 examples you should know:

1. Blogging and Commenting

Blogging communities bring together writers, readers, and enthusiasts in a space where they can share, discuss, and appreciate content. Blogs give a deeper impression than any other platforms.

Usually, people blog on Medium to expand their audience reach. They may already have a blog on platforms like WordPress or even a YouTube channel for video blog.

But just creating content isn’t enough. You need to increase your visibility by commenting on other creators’ posts.

I remember when I first began blogging on Medium. For the initial weeks, my blog views stayed under 10. I was just writing, not engaging or appreciating others’ work.

Now, I receive thousands of views mostly from comments, even surpassing my Medium article views.

So, give value to others through comments. Imagine there are 100 people who see your comment.

  • About 10 might visit your blog because they see your comments.
  • There are around 3 could decide to follow you if they find your niche article interesting.

2. Online Forum and Q&A

Forums like Quora and Reddit’s various subreddits are excellent examples of content driven communities. People seek answers, share knowledge, and discuss topics of interest.

You can participate in these conversations by delivering valuable answers. Then you can build authority and also promoting your work. Being top of mind with the audience is a must.

3. Niche Community Platforms

Platforms like GitHub for developers, Behance for creatives, or Fitbit’s community for fitness enthusiasts are spaces where users find like minded individuals.

Certain industries have specialized community platforms for specific interests.

You can create content to target the problems and challenges users have on these platforms. It feels like joining the community and giving users something helpful.

4. Social Media Groups

Social media platforms provide an ideal arena for creating communities. Facebook Groups, LinkedIn Groups, and Reddit are platforms where people with common interests unite.

For example, a SEO tool company can create an online forum on LinkedIn to talk about effective strategies.

Members can interact with each other, and the brand shares content that matches the community’s interests. And again, it will help you stay top of mind with your audience.

5. Online Courses Platforms

Learners discuss course materials, seek help, and share their progress while brands offering educational content. These valuable insights will give the brand authority in the field.

I once completed HubSpot Academy’s online for Content Marketing certification. Without realizing it, many of my blogs have links to HubSpot articles.

This company has left a lasting impression on me. The courses they provide really help me in creating content.


Want to get more traffic, improve content quality, and boost your business? Learn all about content marketing with this easy to follow guide. Click now to get started!


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