What I’ve learned in the iOS module.

Ferdinand Jason Gondowijoyo
3 min readApr 14, 2020
source: https://twitter.com/ios_memes/status

Bootcamp has been running for 7 weeks and is almost at the end of the iOS module. This module about mobile and a new world for me because it has never been coding mobile previously, especially iOS.

First Day

On the first day, we learn about Swift. The language that I think is similar to Java, Golang, JavaScript, C # (haha it’s a lot), and how to use URLShared to call the API. Following is an example of Swift’s syntax.

Look how beautiful and clean code in there. Also, I thought, that XCode is a very good IDE, starting from the font and how to debug it (in the playground) rarely found in other IDEs.

Next Three Days

On the second day, we learned about Application Lifecycle, Auto Layout, and Delegate patterns. At this stage I think that this module is very difficult, so I have to pay attention to the coach in the tutorial.

On the third day, we are introduced to TableView, ColelctionView, and UserDefaults. Here it starts to appear that XCode is sometimes annoying because there are a lot of bugs that have to close all the windows and open them again, but it’s not necessarily the problem will be solved. TableView and CollectionView here still look simple. But when put together it starts to be a bit troublesome.

On the fourth day, we were taught about the MVP pattern. Because before we put all logic into the View Controller, this class has too many responsibilities, which violates the SOLID principle.

source: https://twitter.com/ios_memes

Fourth day onwards

We are given a project to make a simple food delivery app, by loading everything we have learned before. Here I feel the difficulty to make the view because indeed I am not a person who likes frontend. But because the pizza prize will be given, LET’S DO IT, especially since working on this project with the team, we certainly can. Combine View, where there is Collection View in Table View.

Using a custom view, using a library from outside, how to use a library from outside. Using Auto Layout, the delegate pattern makes you confused. At this stage, I understand why there are so many memes on iOS. And about the final project, we work with git. And even there’s a meme about a conflict in Interface Builder or Pbxproj.

source: https://twitter.com/ios_memes

Final Project

After going through many problems, working hard, and lack of sleep with a pair. We succeeded in working on this Final Project, our team named #NewWargaBikiniBottom and this task we named GoKrustyKrab. The following is a brief overview of our application

I hope, we #NewWargaBikiniBottom can get a pizza. And thank you

for helping, accompanying, advising, and giving me tips regarding this Final Project. Cheers! Learning iOS it is very fun. I enjoy every moment make a UI and writing a code that we can see the result. Oh, one more thing, I want to say thank you for Stackoverflow and our coach! Thank you to Andrew, Mila, Bimon, and Bayu!.

