Why Should You Reward Yourself

Ferdinandus Richard
2 min readJun 26, 2018


Taken from Shutterstock, a photo by Duane Alley

Self-rewarding is a term used when a person is giving a reward to theirselves for achieving a goal or milestones. For example, people usually spend their money on travels when the holiday comes, or maybe as simple as buying themselves an expensive treat on weekends. Something may pass in our heads, “Is self-rewarding really important to us?”

Self-rewarding is definitely important to us. It has many benefits for the people. It increases one’s productivity since they have goals and they must know that after finishing the goal, there will be a reward for what they’ve done. It also increases one’s performance in doing their task as well, because they can also add some bonus for performing better in their work and so on. With these benefits, there’s a better chance for people to get let’s say a promotion or as students, they may have better scores and so on.

Nevertheless, this should be done in the right way — the right amount of reward at the right time of rewarding. The amount of the reward should not be much bigger than your effort of doing the task. Why is that? If we self-reward ourselves too much, we might become lazy to go for another task and become less productive instead of more productive. It is also should be done at the right time, like the summer holiday or national holidays instead of forcing days of work to become days off. Another thing is that, self-rewarding is always be done after one’s achieving their goal instead of before the goal achievement.

Self-rewarding is important to us. We’d better have to reward ourselves after achieving a goal before going for another task ahead. This way, we will have a better life quality since our lives is fulfilled with a balance of fun and also serious things. Self-rewarding can also improve our productivity and performance in performing our work. Last, remember to do it in the right time and choose the right reward for your achievements. Happy self-rewarding!

